Who is Red John?

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Walter Mashburn

Walter Mashburn
Suspected in 325 theories


Wow, I don't think I've ever watched a show before that jumps the shark every week. :-(

Typically a show jumps the shark once and then dies a quick death into oblivion whereas The Mentalist becomes magnitudes worse with every passing week.

It's almost like Heller is making a concerted effort do undo every bit of awesomeness the show once was.

The one positive outcome for me though is I know not to waste any time on Heller's new Gotham already knowing it will start off with a bang and then eventually degenerate into total suckdom.

I was huge Mentalist fan since season 1 (episode 1) but lost my enthusiasm after Jane's ridiculous acquittal in season 4 (episode 1), but kept hoping it would turn around and recapture what it once was. Of course it never did.

If the show had been canceled after season 3, it could have ended on the perfect high note and we could have all kept our happy memories of what had been a truly fantastic show. Now it's just painful (almost insulting) to watch, but I will watch it to the end of this season and ride the stock to the bottom (I'm sure it can get worse, Heller's proven that) because of all the time I invested.  Hopefully CBS will put it out of everybody's misery and not renew it.

I gave away my Season 1 DVD set to a friend so he could experience what a great show it once was. If I can find my season 2 DVDs I'll give those away as well.

Thankfully I never bought the other seasons, nor would I now.

If anybody visiting this site has never seen the earlier episodes, just watch the first 3 seasons and view the remaining seasons as a very, very bad dream that never happened.

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Since TM is a soapbox for middle aged and older ladies, where cases are not relevant, and all they're aiming for is the so called Jisbon thing, it's fair to say to that segment of viewers that they will have a pyrrhic victory. RJ's demise took 8 episodes to be the piece of shite with holes and unresolved crap everywhere. I hope PJ & TL's moment will last some seconds of that episode and will be nothing but romantic bad written turd that is not even gonna make 'em wet. Screw 'em all too for ruining this show along with Heller and company.

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" Yes, I'm Pedro Pascal, I'm supposed to have a relationship with Lisbon in that shit "The Mentalist" is now. Yes, would you believe it?. I was even a fan before that 8th episode, but Bruno Heller convinced me to act for some shows and money talks. The bastard now doesn't wanna pay me, saying there's no cash cause they've been cancelled, sucker, now he is spreading rumours about my private life, bastard, I'm screwing this season's finale :  My boss is MASHBURN, HE has told my caracter to not touch her, to just seduce and lure her away from Jane's hunt. Teresa, she's for him, WALTER you know. Marcus Pike is a charade, as fag as ... well, there you have it, I'm out of the closet now darling. Red John is alive and he orders Pike to be a whistle blower and screw Jane, doing so he won't brainwash Lisbon from the Pancakes Spell, you know?. "
(Source : facebook chat)

Real fans didn't want a soapbox for old ladies or fan-fiction wanna be's, but the good mysteries unveiled. Patrick Jane sucks arse now and will end up listening to Queen's "Too much love will kill you" or Embrace's "Follow you home".

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Guys. What do you think Resurrection 2014 ?

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Do you know what is the biggest clue that Sheriff McAllister is not red john ???

Xander Berkeley (the actor who played  Sheriff McAllister)  has also played a sheriff role on 
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation his character was (Sheriff Rory Atwater)

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Really more of a question than a theory from me: Do we know formally at this point if the show has been cancelled?

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The next episode is written by bruno heller (Silver Wings of Time) 

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