Please let's all go and unlike the mentalist facebook page
Please let's all go and unlike the mentalist facebook page
Does any one know how much time left for episode 5 (in canada time) Please tell me
in S07E01 when pike tells jane (i was offering her a life, a home, family if she wanted, a future) notice the look on jan's face and the music, this is red john's thing, it's almost what Lorelei said to jane in S04 so pike ether red john or connected to red john, also in S06 when red john painted the smiley face on lisbon's face in the same season pike comes to take lisbon from jane.
it is quite simple if you remember how Jane operates and the idea of the show has been and is least so far true to.
Jane tried to lure RJ out but going on his own and separating from the CBI in Vegas. He is betting that the actual RJ will miss his playful rival and reveal himself now that Jane is completely out of the picture. That is overly simplified but it is the idea of how Jane operates. McAllister could not have been RJ for so many reasons, such as he was not afraid of heights. Remember how secretively Jane is. Just like RJ. Go figure......
Red John is Still Out There
Hello. my theory is about the"he is mar-man clue, when they showed us that clue they first show us it's reflection on the "mirror" my be the mirror is a clue that we should read the "he is mar-man backwards (from right to left) because on the mirror it's like that (ram si eh) i don't know what it means but it could be numbers or it could be rearranging letters for a name or a sentence, and it could also be a different language
I don't know why Erica Flynn isn't on the suspect list of this site, she should be