Who is Red John?

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Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


So, most probably Bertram is RJ, as announced by Jane. What if Bertram is not RJ and Jane is pretending to be convinced and in fact trying to mislead RJ now?

Ray Haffner and Stiles are supposed to be dead, is it right? How come Jane, Smith and Bertram survived the explosion and Haffner, Stiles and McAllister didn’t. Although 3 supposedly dead people were sitting on the same couch, it’s hard to believe that 3 died and other 2 walked without a scratch. Also, there was a sound of gun fire right before explosion. No details have been provided on that so it looks like things are not as they appear.

Three people(all in law enforcement) have tattoos and other two don't, is it not possible that the "Blake Association" forced members from law enforcement to wear the tattoos and do all the killings while the mastermind(RJ) may not be wearing any tattoo.

My theory, Haffner is Red John, he designed the explosion and faked death of himself and Stiles. He sounds physically fit, way too cool and also told Jane and Lisbon that "I want you to know that I tried to help".

In one of the episodes Stiles handed an envelope to Jane with some information on what RJ was going to do next, my suspicion is that Stiles had that information because he knew that Haffner is RJ. Stiles is a close ally of RJ, and possibly whole visualize is.

So Haffner is RJ, Stiles is his close ally. This is assuming that RJ killed people himself. If RJ never killed anyone and only did planning part, Stiles maybe RJ and Haffner a close ally(and his successor).

Bertram, Smith and McAllister are just bad cops.

RJ is supposed to be smart person who doesn't make mistakes. He's leading Jane to believe that RJ is someone from law enforcement. Jane is pretending to believe that Bertram is RJ but he probably has a pretty good idea who is real RJ and keeping it to himself. That's why he's not caring about CBI shutdown and probably going to go back to his house to find out more about the explosion.

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Hahaaaaaaa...its very funny that most of you feel that Leaked Video is Real..Looks like BH has won this Round

There was a lot of Discussion few day ago on this forum about the promo and Mcallister could be clearly seen in the video...Honestly,At that point i believed that maybe Mcallister could be Red john but after watching leaked Video i can now confirm that that promo shown to us on last week episode was actually the promo was for the Leaked Video and the same applies for promotional photos

So Guys Buckle up for the sunday's episode you would be on a total dark at the beginning of the episode  because you have no idea how the episode is going to be(No info could be drawn from Promotional pics and promo because they are fake and were actually made for the Leaked Video)

My Favourite show "The Mentalist ' is going to be the first show in TV history to have released a fake video,promo,pics and fool millions of fans and show complete different episode on original airing Date :)

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SPOILER FREE THEORY (but includes info from previous episodes)

Leaked episode aside - because, honestly, what better way to get people to actually watch Sunday night than to allow them to wonder whether or not their download is legit - I would like to continue to theorize until Sunday night.  Until it has aired, I trust nothing.  

Here is what is bugging me.  In the explosion, Haffner, Stiles, and McCallister are reported dead. The show, and Jane, have a fairly specific moral code.  If a person is baddie - even if not for the crime being investigated - if they die (or are harmed) at the hand of one of Jane's schemes, it is okay.  I cannot think of an example of an innocent dying at the hand of Jane without Jane feeling really bad about it.  He goes out of his way to protect people he has put in harms way.  

So if McCallister died - that's fine.  He is a baddie, part of BA.

If Stiles died - that is also fine because he was dying anyway.  

If Haffner died - that is not fine.  At this point in time we have no reason to believe he is guilty of anything but being kind of a d^&k.  

So my official theory, until proven otherwise, is that Haffner is alive and may or may not be RJ. 

(And I do know what happens in the leaked episode so you don't need to point out "but x happens" because I am aware.  It don't dispute that the main events of the leaked episode actually happen, but that in the final cut some scenes are added and other shortened or cut.)

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1. The press version is the original version. pieces of work are usually in separate files and many versions of the same scene usually made to choose from them. from where this version come??
2. No flashbacks? 
3. knife backup!!
4. RJ calls 911!! Really?
5. raised by many members: number of production!! (frankly I don't know what is this)

I just hope that BH is as smart as PJ and created a FAKE EPISODE in case anyone hacked their system or (faking the hacking itself)
# by the way, what system that allow 300+ MB of data to be stolen without alert! 

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Its a very clever plot from Bruno Heller...He is infact thinking like red john and wants us to think like Patrick Jane........He released the video purposefully and wants to plant the seed of idea that Mcallister is red john and wantedly made the screenplay and the scenes so Dull so now our expectations are so Low.....and now i think he is gonna make some Big Reveal on sunday's episode maybe haffner as RJ and maybe add some more extra intense scenes

The Main Reason for my View is that the Editors of TvLine and the famous HappyCool guy on Youtube expressed they were more than satisfied with RED JOHN episode(they get the Advanced Copy) and dont you think someone like them(Hrdcore Mentalist Fans) would be overexcited with that kind of Leaked episode...No I Dont think so

Defintley we are in for a Treat which is completley different from Leaked Video.....and Guys dont forget Bruno is someone who created RED JOHN and so he definitley thinks like one and today he has put that in motion and now for all PJ fans its time for u to think like PJ and decide for urself based on Your Analysis

And at last we got a clarification that Nick Nordella is not the younger version of RJ

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I didn't watch the episode. However, I watched the youtube scenes before being removed together with your comments regarding the leak.

the below question was to be answered merely by Red John is not answered as promised!!! when you are going to explain it Heller???

the very next episode is said to be two years later!!! WTF

Bruno Heller: 
"It wasn't my decision (to kill Partridge); it was Red John's decision," Heller told EW. "Why did he kill Partridge? What possible reason could he have for that? A very good reason will be revealed down the line," he added.


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OK this is getting ridiculous. If you watched that brilliant prank that I saw and you think it is the real episode, I am truly stunned at your intelligence.

McAllister is RJ and grew up as LaROche's brother?
VanPelt banging her head against the car because Rigsby is paying more attention to Hightower?
Really?? If you can't tell this is fake, you need some self examination.
And oh by the way did you notice the gun was plastic....

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