Who is Red John?

Theories of omega (8)

Long time with no ideas, just following the great ideas of yours and hoping we are not  WAITING for something that will never happen

after watching 'Sherlok' latest episode it came across my mind that how I will feel if RED JOHN appeared in the last episode and draw the smile with "DID YOU MISS ME" under it???

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Theory #15597 • By omega
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I used Haffner just to easily find my post later hahaha

I guess we all agree that the "RED JOHN" episode is not among the top 100. However I'm thinking about the three episodes (RED JOHN Trilogy) ... they have a lot of tricks and events <can make one excellent episode> but instead we got very slow paced three of them and have much more fillers with no real need for them that ask questions other than giving answers

- Bret and the blood scene!!
- Ray and silencing a woman!!
- Jane can find FBI agent location whenever he want to - may be he asked the reception about Reed's location hahaha
- Gale and the creepy voice (how did he know about it??) -Read it here to be honest
- The FBI can listen to Jane's calls but cannot track Jane's location whereas Grace can, so they followed a bug in Lisbon's car then "magically" arrested the guy holding Jane's phone
- The car is bugged and Jane have know idea ... so, FBI has to be dumb enough to show him that he is followed

any other ideas??

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1. The press version is the original version. pieces of work are usually in separate files and many versions of the same scene usually made to choose from them. from where this version come??
2. No flashbacks? 
3. knife backup!!
4. RJ calls 911!! Really?
5. raised by many members: number of production!! (frankly I don't know what is this)

I just hope that BH is as smart as PJ and created a FAKE EPISODE in case anyone hacked their system or (faking the hacking itself)
# by the way, what system that allow 300+ MB of data to be stolen without alert! 

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I didn't watch the episode. However, I watched the youtube scenes before being removed together with your comments regarding the leak.

the below question was to be answered merely by Red John is not answered as promised!!! when you are going to explain it Heller???

the very next episode is said to be two years later!!! WTF

Bruno Heller: 
"It wasn't my decision (to kill Partridge); it was Red John's decision," Heller told EW. "Why did he kill Partridge? What possible reason could he have for that? A very good reason will be revealed down the line," he added.


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We are making theories here, aren't we?

If you saw the episode and knew who really is Red John please do not share (Heller's Theory) with us it's not yours .. Let's have at least these few days of PURE Theories.

P.S. Gonna miss this site and the great discussions

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If he faked his death the body should be ash already when Cho went to check it .. he can not take the risk by delaying the burn of false body.
How he can be sure he will not be identified as a live?  and the body does not belong to him??? 

I guess we all agree he is out

from the last episode: very unlikely

confirmed dead by the blakes

The bomb and the three bodies
DNA Plantation is not impossible and has been used by much less smarter than red john. However the blakes can easily mess with the report and the DNA matches.

three bodies became "crisp" while Reede clothes are not touched!!! forget about Gale and Jane, they are a bit far

the gun shot happened long before the explosion, so it has nothing to do with it. Lisbon didn't hear it and Jane knew what happened. That's why they didn't ask Reede about it  

I'm  guessing Here:
Some one tried to act .. Jane tried to shoot. Most probable the one raised the gun and the shot was on air. the situation got out of control

Red john (I assume Ray) has brought the bomb in a box together with three bodies ... during the mess he activated the bomb and disappeared together with Tom (The highest rank in the Blakes) and Bret (first Mentor)

What do you think??

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After Rewatching S01 E02 where McAllister was introduced, it looks weird a bit as if he want to be closer to Jane. He said (we are not prepared to this kind ...)
In contrast S06 E02 He said (why are you here? I think we can handle this ...) for almost a similar case

What do you think??

P.S. I'm still going for Haffner, hoping he is not dead in the explosion

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