Who is Red John?

Theories of Maximus (5)

Respected Bruno Heller sir,
                                      Today i was blessed with great opportunity to watch Red John for which i have been waiting for 5 Precious years of my Life and finally i got it and it was a remarkable episode in the history of Television and i would like to submit my token of Appreciation for Bruno Heller and i literally mean every word i am gonna say next and this is for you sir

                                       You sad excuse for a human being and you call yourself a fucking writer ,you fucking piece of Cunt ..we have been watching you series for 5 fucking seasons and especially season 5 where so many episodes were fucking boring.. even though the rating dropped so low,we stood beside you and watched season 5 so that you would at least get decent viewership so that Mentalist would be renewed for season 6 where the *The Great Red John* would be revealed....we even noted down all the clues that you gave us in some random fucking episodes and we made so many theories and you give us this piece of shit and call it the greatest episode of The Mentalist...you rotten piece of asshole you and your co-writers are paid millions and you give us this Crap 

                     Your are a living proof of a cunt who can eat,talk, give interviews except write a decent episode ...you worthless piece of crap why the fuck on earth did you give all those fucking clues you mother fucker ..

        Mcallister is psychic....is that the best explanation you can come up with you douchebag....Let me tell you something you worthless piece of motherfucking shit if i ever see u again on TV.."I Promise U..I am Gonna make your Life so miserable that you just wish you werent even born i Wikk be Your worst Nightmare " 

       I can tolerate a Gay porn rather than watching your episode nor your show  and sorry for my English which is way better than your episode.

            I mean ever word written above Literally ...
Bruno Heller(A.K.A Asshole,pussy,Dick,Motherfucking cunt,Bastard)

If not Delivered please give this letter to a Pigeon.....I am sure that it can find BH because he is very fond of pigeons and spends a lot of nights with them by fucking them......you Pigeon fucker(BH)

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Hahaaaaaaa...its very funny that most of you feel that Leaked Video is Real..Looks like BH has won this Round

There was a lot of Discussion few day ago on this forum about the promo and Mcallister could be clearly seen in the video...Honestly,At that point i believed that maybe Mcallister could be Red john but after watching leaked Video i can now confirm that that promo shown to us on last week episode was actually the promo was for the Leaked Video and the same applies for promotional photos

So Guys Buckle up for the sunday's episode you would be on a total dark at the beginning of the episode  because you have no idea how the episode is going to be(No info could be drawn from Promotional pics and promo because they are fake and were actually made for the Leaked Video)

My Favourite show "The Mentalist ' is going to be the first show in TV history to have released a fake video,promo,pics and fool millions of fans and show complete different episode on original airing Date :)

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For all the Patridge fans out there this is for you

Now  we can officially confirm that all the Mentalist producers ,Jimmy Gradd (Lead Editor of Mentalist),Bruno Heller are complete Liars and as of now we cannot and we shall not believe anything they say because we thought we could rule out patridge as suspect because Bruno himself  said that Patridge is for sure Dead but now looking at the statement given by Jimmy Gadd...the Lead Editor of the Mentalist saying that he is sorry that Mentalist episode was leaked and CBS site was hacked(Really you want me to believe that CBS site was hacked and The video was uploaded just the day before of Mentalist airing 'RED JOHN' )and if what he is saying is true then you know what  i am Robert fu**king Downey Jr 

And if any have closely watched the Happy Cool Guy video on youtube on the "REDJOHN" episode  reaction video we could find that when red john was revealed he probably was uttering the word Brett Patridge in excitement(Atleast  i felt like he was saying the words Brett Patridge and many people who have seen the video had the same opinion)

 Finally for all those people who were saying that Brett patridge  is Dead because bruno himself confirmed it ....well look at what the editors and everyone of Mentalist have been doing Today ..they are Lying to ur face that Leaked Video is a Real One (which ofcourse everyone knows that its not real)
Good luck everyone .......

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Its a very clever plot from Bruno Heller...He is infact thinking like red john and wants us to think like Patrick Jane........He released the video purposefully and wants to plant the seed of idea that Mcallister is red john and wantedly made the screenplay and the scenes so Dull so now our expectations are so Low.....and now i think he is gonna make some Big Reveal on sunday's episode maybe haffner as RJ and maybe add some more extra intense scenes

The Main Reason for my View is that the Editors of TvLine and the famous HappyCool guy on Youtube expressed they were more than satisfied with RED JOHN episode(they get the Advanced Copy) and dont you think someone like them(Hrdcore Mentalist Fans) would be overexcited with that kind of Leaked episode...No I Dont think so

Defintley we are in for a Treat which is completley different from Leaked Video.....and Guys dont forget Bruno is someone who created RED JOHN and so he definitley thinks like one and today he has put that in motion and now for all PJ fans its time for u to think like PJ and decide for urself based on Your Analysis

And at last we got a clarification that Nick Nordella is not the younger version of RJ

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Ray haffner has always been on the Top of my suspect List....But My recent findings might have just pushed sheriff Thomas Mcallister to the top...check Out Below Links for more info


The above link is about a person who is gonna play the character "Young Man" in RED JOHN episode and we all know who the young man means(Red john younger version)

Look at this pics

and now look at his twitter account 

Take a close look at one of his retweets.....i.e Orsolya L's tweet

and finally resemblance match..

Boom there you Go...don't you think they look exactly alike.....Thats it from me

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