I just finished the episode. It was decent. I thought it would be better, but I don't see a need to be down on it. I do wish that the McAllister reveal would have been done better (we discovered he was alive through the promo). That's sloppy.
The pigeon thing was super dumb, but thats about the level this show has usually been at. It's not their fault I had higher expectations.
I'm fine with McAllister being RJ. I was surprised that Xander Berkley was not very good in the role. He was fine as McAllister but not quite up to being RJ. It seems he has one character he can do and not much range. Overall though, the episode was OK. They left some room to answer some questions over the next few episodes.
Oh one thing I missed...people had been telling me for weeks on this sight that Brett Partridge was dressed as a woman feeding pigeons. Even though she didn't look anything like him, people assured me it was him. Did anyone notice how they explained that in this episode? I must have missed it :)