Who is Red John?

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Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


I just finished the episode. It was decent. I thought it would be better, but I don't see a need to be down on it. I do wish that the McAllister reveal would have been done better (we discovered he was alive through the promo). That's sloppy.
The pigeon thing was super dumb, but thats about the level this show has usually been at. It's not their fault I had higher expectations.

I'm fine with McAllister being RJ. I was surprised that Xander Berkley was not very good in the role. He was fine as McAllister but not quite up to being RJ. It seems he has one character he can do and not much range. Overall though, the episode was OK. They left some room to answer some questions over the next few episodes.

Oh one thing I missed...people had been telling me for weeks on this sight that Brett Partridge was dressed as a woman feeding pigeons. Even though she didn't look anything like him, people assured me it was him. Did anyone notice how they explained that in this episode? I must have missed it  :)

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Hey guys! Do you remember Rosalind call? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgvXfZK9dnw

Red John left hand doesn't seem like McAllister left hand. No scar...
Am I wrong??


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First, if you wan't to believe the leaked episode (Yes it is a fake) is real, by all means go ahead..just make sure you watch the episode tonight so you can laugh at how gullible you were.

Two, if you think the Mentalist production team has not been at this site passively, you are further fooling yourself. 

Three, When you watch tonight, you will see that RJ is neither Bertam or McAllister, and no there will not be a scene where PJ is sleeping at the former CBI office loft.

Now go ahead and tell me how the fake episode is on itunes thus proving it's "real." 

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The only three suspected i didnt eliminated were "killed" in the explosion.

Stiles, Haffner and Sherrif.

Sherrif was on the safe side of the room, but he likes jane and we only had reasons to suspect him in this season.

Stiles is Everything Rj should be, but he's James friend and would be no surprise. He's a suspect since he appeared the first time. Like Bertram, the psychiastry would recognize him.

Haffner is the only one that makes sense to be desperate to be friend of PJ. Makes sense Stiles talk with van pelt, talking about Haffner.

Heller did not confirm they were the dead in there. Only that there were real bodies. RJ plans everything far ahead, no way he would go to that meeting risking him self to get killed like Bertram did.

I agree about people saying Partridge should be the first choice in the beggining of the show (who knew it would take off and have 6 seasons?).

Like i said, Heller introduced many fake clues making everyone Looks like RJ. But the Haffner clue was subtle, a real phobia but not exactly the truth. When we lie, we must convince our selves first. An almost truth is easier to deceive and convince someone.

No way RJ has the tattoo like many others. He's almost a lone wolf. Has followers, but few knows him. Partridge probably found out who he was.

Since i watched Stiles speaking with van pelt in the "red thoughts" if i'm not wrong, i knew it was about someone else. It was red thoughts, but not about him, about someone he knew. Like he was analysing that person. Otherwise, would be tôo obvious. Haffner is like the closest one to him, and he may have used the visualize ritual as a inspiration (like someone suggested here).

No way RJ will be revealed by elimination (who is alive). He will show his face in a great moment, surprising everybody.

RJ would not kill like Bertram tried, would send someone else, like he did before. When he kills, it's art.

Heller said RJ wants PJ as a friend, and is exposing him self for that. I like the theory i read that Haffner envy jane for having Lisbon and Being so famous and admired. Haffner mentioned, a little bothered, that they were studying him i'm visualize.

Jane made a move in the press. Revealed Bertram to lose cbi on purpose. No way he would reveal RJ, he wants to kill him, not arrest. And he said he cant know until asks and Looks in his face. So He wanted to close cbi for some reason and make everybody chase Bertram. When Lisbon told that Bertram tried to kill him with his own hands, and in that way, instead of sending someone, he probably realized he wasnt RJ and said he was in the press just to irritate and atract the real RJ.

Bertram wanted to know who RJ his, otherwise, he would have killed Kirkland. He used Bob, if he was RJ, he wouldn't Keep alive a guy who knows about the tiger tiger and wants to kill him.

Someone thought about the possibilitie of RJ killing the cbi boss wainwright in the car in order to have Bertram back?

Some parts of my older theories, that shows some key thoughts:

Rj it's someone That Looks silly, even ingenous, not smart enough. Like clark kent in some movies. Not someone with a gangster face. That face he will only show when he gets caught. Like all of his associated did when were exposed as who the really were. Thats Heller writting style. Surprise with the characther other side.

Would be interesting someone killing RJ or he dying for others causes. So it wouldn't be obvious. Anything Thats not PJ killing RJ.

I suspect they may build a way to brett stiles, to make us think its him. Hes The only one who's presented as powerful and smart enough. Bruno heller would show haffner as a good suspect first, then lead us to think its all a visualize thing, then its gonna make us be sure about stiles.in The last moment, ray will reveal his real face, and abandon that dumb face.

Bruno said he'll be gone by the end of the season, but the audience could find out at the last moment it's Ray, and Keep PJ thinking it's Stiles, who would pretend to be RJ

The tiger tiger members dont know Rj identity. Not all of Them. No way Rj would trust every low rank, which could say his nome before dying. Partridge could be one of those members, getting close to find out who he is.

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Well, a friend of mine, who is also a big fan of the Mentalist and who watched the leaked episode, did notice that there is a mysterious thing in the end credits: The copyright is from 2012 and the production code is #3X7954. But #3X7954 is already the production code of episode 5x04! Maybe it's just a wildcard because the leaked episode is a rough cut, but if not.... Let's just hope it's a fake episode, a big joke, the ultimate mindgame and red herring of Bruno Heller!

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To those who really can't tell that the leaked episode was a fake, let me help you out.
1. You will see a different episode tomorrow
2. McAllister will not be revealed as RJ in tomorrows episode
3. When you see Jane kill RJ in the park, it will be one of the 7 that we thought was dead, but again, that person will not be McAllister.

Hope this calms you down a little

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Bertram did state that he was just a foot soldier and not ONE of the top brass so maybe there are multiple Red Johns or other colorful bad guys,  Orange Julius, Blue Jean, etc.  
Also maybe Red John lets his minions do all the dirty work and he just somehow mesmerizes them into doing his bidding because he is a "wuss".  

The 911 call was an incredibly laughable moment.  I thought that when he made that call I would surely hear him say, "Tiger, tiger."   BUT no he calls 911?....Help I was shot but worse than that I was attacked by a pigeon and now there are a bunch of ducks in a pond near me. A man is sitting on top of me now and I can't even reach into my pocket to get my Xanax. 

I'm still hoping that the episode was a ruse.

Pigeon, pigeon
With small beady eyes.
Watch out RJ
It's your surprise.

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