Who is Red John?

Theories of Neffa (6)

Let's face the facts, this show depended on audience to survive. He couldnt know how long it would take.

Probably Partridge was the choice when it started, but after so many years, and having forensics guys Being the

serial killer in other shows, so he decided the new RJ two years ago. (No way he started the show without one RJ).

We overestimated Bruno Heller, but i enjoyed the show, Besides the 6x08.

He had to move on, otherwise could lose audience, he said it was An audience demand.

But the thing is, if Sherrif was RJ, any one on the show could be. I enjoyed reading and writting theories, but RJ wasnt even decided, so the fans with they most popular suspects got some influence in Bruno Heller decisison.

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First, we all knew it wasnt Bertram.

Sherrif was my second guess, the best characther for the job, a friendly hunter. He wasnt my first because EVERYONE GOT SURPRISED WITH HIM IN THE LIST. NO ONE HAD REASON TO SUSPECT HIM BEFORE THIS SEASON. Was this a puzzle? No, because we couldnt find out, just guess. He should learn with "inception". The movie its self was An inception. This wasnt a puzzle.

I expected the Rj showing him self at the last moment, when we find out it's not the other. The only thing is i hoped to be Stiles the fake RJ and Haffner the real RJ revealing him self.

I think it's because he called Lisbon and told so. At least he Thinks it's over. But, if noone knows who Rj is, what about cordero? . I hope RJ is alive, but probably will appear someone else connected to him.

This blog was for nothing, almost useless,, the RJ wasnt chose before. They just decided the less likely one to be the RJ.

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The only three suspected i didnt eliminated were "killed" in the explosion.

Stiles, Haffner and Sherrif.

Sherrif was on the safe side of the room, but he likes jane and we only had reasons to suspect him in this season.

Stiles is Everything Rj should be, but he's James friend and would be no surprise. He's a suspect since he appeared the first time. Like Bertram, the psychiastry would recognize him.

Haffner is the only one that makes sense to be desperate to be friend of PJ. Makes sense Stiles talk with van pelt, talking about Haffner.

Heller did not confirm they were the dead in there. Only that there were real bodies. RJ plans everything far ahead, no way he would go to that meeting risking him self to get killed like Bertram did.

I agree about people saying Partridge should be the first choice in the beggining of the show (who knew it would take off and have 6 seasons?).

Like i said, Heller introduced many fake clues making everyone Looks like RJ. But the Haffner clue was subtle, a real phobia but not exactly the truth. When we lie, we must convince our selves first. An almost truth is easier to deceive and convince someone.

No way RJ has the tattoo like many others. He's almost a lone wolf. Has followers, but few knows him. Partridge probably found out who he was.

Since i watched Stiles speaking with van pelt in the "red thoughts" if i'm not wrong, i knew it was about someone else. It was red thoughts, but not about him, about someone he knew. Like he was analysing that person. Otherwise, would be tôo obvious. Haffner is like the closest one to him, and he may have used the visualize ritual as a inspiration (like someone suggested here).

No way RJ will be revealed by elimination (who is alive). He will show his face in a great moment, surprising everybody.

RJ would not kill like Bertram tried, would send someone else, like he did before. When he kills, it's art.

Heller said RJ wants PJ as a friend, and is exposing him self for that. I like the theory i read that Haffner envy jane for having Lisbon and Being so famous and admired. Haffner mentioned, a little bothered, that they were studying him i'm visualize.

Jane made a move in the press. Revealed Bertram to lose cbi on purpose. No way he would reveal RJ, he wants to kill him, not arrest. And he said he cant know until asks and Looks in his face. So He wanted to close cbi for some reason and make everybody chase Bertram. When Lisbon told that Bertram tried to kill him with his own hands, and in that way, instead of sending someone, he probably realized he wasnt RJ and said he was in the press just to irritate and atract the real RJ.

Bertram wanted to know who RJ his, otherwise, he would have killed Kirkland. He used Bob, if he was RJ, he wouldn't Keep alive a guy who knows about the tiger tiger and wants to kill him.

Someone thought about the possibilitie of RJ killing the cbi boss wainwright in the car in order to have Bertram back?

Some parts of my older theories, that shows some key thoughts:

Rj it's someone That Looks silly, even ingenous, not smart enough. Like clark kent in some movies. Not someone with a gangster face. That face he will only show when he gets caught. Like all of his associated did when were exposed as who the really were. Thats Heller writting style. Surprise with the characther other side.

Would be interesting someone killing RJ or he dying for others causes. So it wouldn't be obvious. Anything Thats not PJ killing RJ.

I suspect they may build a way to brett stiles, to make us think its him. Hes The only one who's presented as powerful and smart enough. Bruno heller would show haffner as a good suspect first, then lead us to think its all a visualize thing, then its gonna make us be sure about stiles.in The last moment, ray will reveal his real face, and abandon that dumb face.

Bruno said he'll be gone by the end of the season, but the audience could find out at the last moment it's Ray, and Keep PJ thinking it's Stiles, who would pretend to be RJ

The tiger tiger members dont know Rj identity. Not all of Them. No way Rj would trust every low rank, which could say his nome before dying. Partridge could be one of those members, getting close to find out who he is.

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probably Rj has not the 3 dots tattoo. Maybe it was planned by Rj. But, you realized that both without the dots are from visualize? Only those who work for the police (tiger tiger) have it. My theory about making us think as a visualize thing may become true. Leaving us to Bret Stiles, with Ray reaveling him self át. The last moment.

Ray still with the clark kent face.

Like someone said. Bruno was honest with the list, he wont be with the tatto.

Would be interesting someone killing RJ or he dying for others causes. So it wouldn't be obvious.

Bruno said he'll be gone by the end of the season, but the audience could find out at the last moment it's Ray, and Keep PJ thinking it's Stiles, who would pretend to be RJ.

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Theres something wrong. First Bruno started to kill the most popular suspects, then left enough connections for any one of the suspects, making us think if RJ was changed during the show.

1- come on, Why PJ would think Rj will accept his threat knowing he was a suspect and there were a plan there to get him? And PJ could do better, more technologies, tranqüilizer dart to get everyone to sleep, bullet proof vest, a place no one could escape, locking automatically all the doors, recording everything and sending through internet, in case Rj gets him first. Looked like western movies. It's a ten Years revenge on someone "impossible" to get. Threating everyone into a meeting?

2- i don't like the theory of the list Being fake. Would be cheating for me. anyway, Rj thinks it's real. Would you go to that meeting? I would kill PJ, if i accept trying not to be more suspicious, i knew i had friends there, which would pretend to be me. But i would prepare something (probably not only PJ made tricks there).

3- i like Sherrif as a characther, He's my second suspect, but he didnt appear enough. He's calm, instinctive, hunter, likes PJ, but was the most unexpected suspect of the list, it's like anyone could be Rj before this season, and there were not enough connections before to be a real puzzle.

4- i agree with someone who said that maybe only someone undead coming to be Rj, would bring something interesting to the end. I definitly did not like that meeting. Too common during the show and unplausible for the situation (only dangerous people who knew they were suspect).

5- Bruno followed a smart path, if he cant erase the clues that made people find out who Rj is, it's a good way to make more clues to the others suspects.
I don't know who he is, but Ray Haffner Keeps his clark Kent face and has not more clues (except the spider, subtle clue compared to the others)

Thanks for reading, let's want more from the next shows.

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I think i watched all episodes. Believe or not, i wrote that before the first episode of this season. I was willing to rewatch some episodes, but after the last one, i dont have to.

Rj it's someone That Looks silly, even ingenous, not smart enough. Like clark kent in some movies. Not someone with a gangster face. That face he will only show when he gets caught. Like all of his associated did when were exposed as who the really were.

Why it shouldn't be Brett Patridge? Looks like a psychopath (the way we would picture someone like RJ), and the most important, he was the most popular suspect before ep.1 of this season. "Who's RJ" it is Bruno Heller puzzle. How Bruno Heller, the master mind, not PJ, his alter ego, would feel about probably the most famous blog about his puzzle indicates as the most likely?

Why it shouldn't be Robert Kirkland? Mysterious, Gagnster style, looks like a psychopath, (the way we would picture someone like RJ). One of the most interesting thing of the show it's the whole influence Rj has, how he get everything done. Bruno wouldnt show Rj acting way so clear (killing and getting the list) . RJ is tôo confident to fear or even think to be caught and he doesnt need a "good friend", Rj hás a lot of friends, everywhere. He was associated in some way with Rj, and now wants to find out Rj is. He's relieved that wasn't recognized, which may mean he is safe and Rj doesnt know who he is.

Why it shouldn't be Gale Bertram? No way he doesnt know how to play poker (and he wouldn't waste his time like that). RJ knows that Lisbon is in love with PJ, if Bertram would consider to trust Lisbon, was to get RJ and not to betray PJ. Besides (added now), in this season he's acting creepy, like he's smarter than we thought before.

Why it shouldn't be Sherrif and Reede? Sherrif has the ingenous way it would take, but he appeared few times. And Reede presents him self as someone smart and deceptive, even angry. I read this below in someone's theory:

"it makes more sense to allow the viewer to create his/her own perception about a recurring character, and then smash those perceptions. So that eliminates the Sheriff and Reede."

Why it shouldn't be Brett Stilles? Presented as someone smart like PJ, and powerfull. RJ wouldn't feel threatened by someone trying to take his seat. Brett is too old and a PJ friend (they get along very well). It's how charming and smart RJ should act, but the thing is, it's all presented since the beggining. RJ wouldn't help PJ get Lorelei out of prison.

(until the end, added now) I didn't think about Ray Haffner, i wrote nothing about him. I thought would be nice to be Partridge, but wouldnt be a surprise for anyone, and for the others reasons. Same with Brett Stiles, Bertram, Kirkland. Many wanted them to be. Now i realized, the guy i saw no reason to be, someone even boring, was Ray Haffner. I didn't want him to be. This last episode (ep.4), made me realize that. Sheriff is a good characther to be RJ, acted well in the room with the others 2 suspects (played dumb), but he didnt appeared enough before, and know shows as someone who would make sense, then... its probably not him. But it's my second choice (i prefer him, not Ray, but i would bet for Ray)

Why i say that? Bruno Heller writting style. To surprise us with the other characther side. The Partridge painting would be a fake clue, the thing about the book with the killer dying and reappering later, should be too.

Well, this last episode showed, at least, that Bertram is chasing RJ and that Reede is low ranked (RJ investigating murders and complimenting an office showing proud?).

It was long, but my only one theory.
thanks for reading.

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