Who is Red John?

Theories of iamwhoiam (8)

After having watched the leak 3 times and then watching the aired episode, it wasn't as funny the 4th time around but it also wasn't good.  Since it was the same as the leak it was just bad, VERY bad.  Had hopes that the leak was a ruse and that the ending would be more interesting without the silliness and lack of believability (but then it is TV).  Nope...same old sh*t, different day.  

Nothing more to say except the episode was full of pigeon poop. 

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There's a list of 7.

Last episode was entitled the "The Great Red Dragon"

From the Book of Revelations:  

"And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads......"

They are all RJ. 

From the Book of Secret Prophecy:

"And the pigeons will defeat the dragon and all of it's heads."   ;-)

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Bertram did state that he was just a foot soldier and not ONE of the top brass so maybe there are multiple Red Johns or other colorful bad guys,  Orange Julius, Blue Jean, etc.  
Also maybe Red John lets his minions do all the dirty work and he just somehow mesmerizes them into doing his bidding because he is a "wuss".  

The 911 call was an incredibly laughable moment.  I thought that when he made that call I would surely hear him say, "Tiger, tiger."   BUT no he calls 911?....Help I was shot but worse than that I was attacked by a pigeon and now there are a bunch of ducks in a pond near me. A man is sitting on top of me now and I can't even reach into my pocket to get my Xanax. 

I'm still hoping that the episode was a ruse.

Pigeon, pigeon
With small beady eyes.
Watch out RJ
It's your surprise.

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As a young child, RJ was forced to watch Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" over and over again, by his older brother Blue Jean.

Pigeon, pigeon
Don't take flight
Stay around
And give RJ a fright.

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The episode is no longer available through the player.ooyala.com link.  If you try it now you will get the message:  Content Unavailable     
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I decided to watch the episode again and still question whether or not this is the real episode or just a ploy.  There were too many things that I considered silly:  Grace banging her head on the vehicle window, the knife-wielding lady in the church (BTW, what happened to the woman who was sitting in the back of the church in the preview or was that the knife-wielding lady?), the screaming woman in the cemetery, Jane running in slow motion, some of the lines spoken by the characters, etc.

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I am hoping that the episode I saw was just a "red herring" and not the real final episode.  Maybe RJ will turn out to be my other suspect, Haffner, or maybe still McAllister but with more questions answered and more believable acting.  In one of the episodes this season, when Haffner gets on the CBI elevator, the way he blocks the poster behind him, the letters that can be seen spell out "RED" but then maybe that was just a red herring or I was looking for a clue that really wasn't meant to be a clue and this was just a coincidence.  I just can't fathom that this was the way they ended Red John.  Too reminiscent of the final episode of Lost.  

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