Who is Red John?

The top rated theories on Red John

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Just watched the series finale and I'm speechless......what the fuck was that??? Nothing has made sense since S06E08 "Red John"...... I don't even give a fuck anymore .... I've written about the RJ reveal and New Beginning and this Jisbon trainwreck too many times ........THE MENTALIST POST RED JOHN HAS BEEN A COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE..... no explanation of RJ. ......not even a mention .....the first five seasons were all about Red John ......EVERYTHING IN THIS SHOW REVOLVED AROUND RED JOHN............EVERYTHING!!!!!!! The only episodes I can go back and rewatch are the first 3 seasons after the season 3 finale the show just goes to shit........ Complete shit!!!!

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I think it’s the forensic guy. He’s small. The person who shot the film makers was small (a woman or a small man). The two people who worked with Red John and later killed where in law enforcement (the deputy sheriff and the secretary). Remember when the secretary was killed Red John cut her with a poison. Someone no one would notice. Red John walk right past the guards and got to the secretary. Someone who could get strange poisons. Someone who knew how to shoot a gun.

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I think it had to be the waiter, the voices are similar but so was the detective-after watching it twice already! Can you imagine if it were someone on the cbi squad though? I hope this wasnt one of the many tv series that were cancelled this year!

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‘Roll Tide,’ the phrase that Kristina used when talking to the waiter in the first of the episode, was the last thing Red John said to Jane. Notice Red John also used present tense when speaking about Kristina. “She’s so fond of you” or something to that effect. RJ’s voice sounded female initially. Plus, when you go back to her previous appearance on the show, she knew entirely too much about Jane’s wife and daugther’s murders.

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I think Kristina is one of Red John’s pawns. When she was confronted by Jane about going on TV, she had that serene look on her face, like she knew him so well. (Oh, I know…she’s a psychic. Whatever). She also talked about how Jane “lied about” Red John. She had the same look on her face, and calm speech that the secretary had when she was confronted…before she was killed, of course.

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