Who is Red John?

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Is any familiar with how TV production codes work? 

Ep. 8 "Red John" is listed as 4X5607, while Ep. 7 "The Great Red Dragon" is 4X5608 - the only 2 episodes that have the codes in wrong order.

Is this a typo mistake by whoever updated the Wiki entry, or does it hint of something else?

I'm delusional and refuse to believe that the producers would write/shoot such a shitty episode. It defies all logic.

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Come on guys, there are some episodes left before the season ends. patience is a virtue. before complain and talk really bad about the last episode, Heller, even the show. let's just wait... i don't like the idea of Mcallister being RJ either. but i think the best thing to do is wait. I'm sure that Heller will surprise us in the upcoming episodes.

here is a recent theory, i submitted in the afternoon.

http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/15675 give it a look and let me know what you think about it...

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Bruno Heller should be ashamed of himself. For years now, people have watched this show, gathered evidence and tried to figure out the identity of the character that loomed over the entire series. Heller, of course, browsed these and other pages and saw the time and effort fans put in resolving this mystery. Now we know that he didn't decide the identity of Red John until recently. This shows us that the clues that have been scattered around the show since the beginning were all completely random and irrelevant. Not a one managed to bring Patrick in RJ's vicinity, it was all surpluss. Now, I didn't follow this show religiously at all, I only watched the RJ themed episodes and not even all of them, but even I am pissed off at this ending. It is embarrassing and downright wrong. I can't imagine how true fans must be feeling, those who have devoted hours and hours into thinking theories up, then more hours elaborating and discussing details such as tea cups. Heller knew the approach fans took to this show and he still didn't offer them anything real, no vindication whatsoever. When he saw the proportions of his RJ story arc, he had an obligation to definitively choose RJ's identity and stick with it. He had that duty towards his loyal fans. Shameful.

Also, I reject the notion that Red John had to be a disappointment. This is a cheap cop out. Season 3 finale was brilliant and it offered a masterful RJ. Both the casting and Whitford's performance were impeccable. THAT was a Red John. Everything was done properly. This was pathetic and I absolutely reject the idea that it had to be a let down. It's a let down when your writing staff is poor and without a clear direction. It's inevitably poor when you dig yourself in too deep. Whitford was RJ for me, Berkeley was just unlucky to be cast in this odd joke of an episode.

The episode was butchered first with the dull and empty conversation between Jane and John ("I'm supposed to die, am I? It doesn't seem fair. - It is fair. It's over and I won." - the episode is filled to the brim with such gripping dialogue), and later on minutes of what could have been great head-to-head between two adversaries were wasted on scenes of running around. I think it speaks volumes that I was actually most impressed with scenes involving the FBI, ffs. If Heller weren't a hack, this would have been unexplicable.

Not only is it not enough that Red John turned out to be a weakling who begs and crawls without showing any heart whatsoever, the disappointment grows with the fact that Jane didn't really catch John. The ending tells us that, had RJ not decided to face Jane personally, he would never have been revealed. So essentially RJ brought forth his own demise and for all of Jane's mentalism and the sea of clues we came across during these 5+ seasons, it all counted for nothing as we needed RJ to break character and do something incredibly reckless and stupid. This doesn't require a leap of faith, it's insulting instead.

And now people still won't let go and they think the episode was fake despite being officially aired. This is what such a shocking ending does to fans. It was so poor that people are actually in denial.

To conclude, nothing worked in the episode and I wasn't even remotely pleased with Berkeley's RJ. He just doesn't fit at all. It's got to the point for me where ANY other character would have been a better choice. I would have preferred Grace as RJ to this.

I will echo the thoughts of some on here and say that, in the future, I will avoid anything that has Bruno Heller connected with it. I will watch the next episode to see if they'll explain anything, just one detail RJ-related, and then I'm done with the mentalist and especially with Heller.

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- Watch out guys!! I am carrying a pigeon.
- Drop your pigeon slowly and walk away!
- OMG!! He has a pigeon, he has a pigeon!!
- I am going to kick out my pigeon and peting a t-rex instead.
- I washed my car and 5 mins later a pigeon shat on it. But the PJ's pigeon not shat on his shirt in 22 minutes.

Anonymously Women With Knife 
- Walking Anonymously Women With Knife Apocalypse near!!
- The woman with the knife thinking: "Meeh at least I tried"
- The woman with the knife : OMG! I am on TV!!
- Woman to Heller: If you dont put me in the show at least 10 secs, I am going to anounce who is real RJ!

The boss is corrupt, shutdown CBI
- Those milks are expired at the market, better we shutdown the entire milk factory!
- Goverment shutdown! Whaaat?!
- FBI investigation is proceeding very seriously. But we dont want to see your shoulders. It makes everything easy, not the FBI way. 
- Boss we are out of handcuffs, lets dont arrest Lisbon? Ok. sat her on the front seat.

- Hımm a police man killed in my gas station better not yell. Lets just fart silently instead. It will beat off them.
- Hımm I killed a police man here and cashier is the witness better shot him too.. OMG!! What a smell run Bertram ruuuun !!!!
- Hey there is a injured man here, OMG!! gun wounds are contagious, I am not trying to help him! Heeelp!!!

Survival Tips (Do you hear me Bear Grills?)
- If someone get in to your home from a window, first yell, second wait for the next person, third give him the phone and everything just fine.
- If you shot an enemy and he runs away wait for him to say Heyy!! immediatelly he drops.
- When you go to church check under your seats
- If you are driving a FBI car please park it awesome. Dont bother if you are in a hurry try until it is awesome.
- If you are a psychic then you have plenty of time between two bombs which heard one. Wash your hands, change the bodies, move the guys who do you want to save to the safer zone. 
- If you cant find a taxi then why not spanish gangsta?!
- If you are a psychich you can resurrect the dead people and make them to change your dna sample and then send them to hell again.

 If you are a creator a great tv show 
- If you are a creator of a great tv show, you can do with it whatever you want. Dont bother the people who dedicate their insignificant times. Who are they? Screw it!
- If everyone knows better than you about your show, dont bother to take a great ideas from them. Instead use your pigeon, psychic pokemons. It makes great results.
-  If you dont know how you can end the show, take an example. There are plenty of great examples.Such as Lost, Dexter...
- If you dont have enough money, sell your episode by saying it leaked on itunes to $2.99 before the original day of the show.
- If you are out of "red" then why not start with "blue"

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Really ? This is a fucking boring "end". Am I the only one who think that RJ sucks ? He apologized and he is scared, come on ! Are we talking about RJ or about a fucking Sheriff ? I can not end the stalking of RJ like that. There will obviously a turnaround of situation, at least i hope. 

On the seventh episode, McAllister told to PJ, eye to eye, that he wasn't RJ. But now, he is. Wow, what a end. Tell me that's a joke ! 

Personally, I thought that it was a really huge link with RJ and tea. I don't know, i see tea everywhere, at anytime. Plus, when RJ talks with Rosalin (the blind one)we just see his cup of tea, anything else.  

Well, if McAllister is really Red John, i'm really disappointed, but i still believe we don't know everything.  

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There is a very special announcement incoming, and everyone who was disappointed by the episode would do well to keep their ears peeled


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