Who is Red John?

Theories of velkop (4)

Bruno Heller should be ashamed of himself. For years now, people have watched this show, gathered evidence and tried to figure out the identity of the character that loomed over the entire series. Heller, of course, browsed these and other pages and saw the time and effort fans put in resolving this mystery. Now we know that he didn't decide the identity of Red John until recently. This shows us that the clues that have been scattered around the show since the beginning were all completely random and irrelevant. Not a one managed to bring Patrick in RJ's vicinity, it was all surpluss. Now, I didn't follow this show religiously at all, I only watched the RJ themed episodes and not even all of them, but even I am pissed off at this ending. It is embarrassing and downright wrong. I can't imagine how true fans must be feeling, those who have devoted hours and hours into thinking theories up, then more hours elaborating and discussing details such as tea cups. Heller knew the approach fans took to this show and he still didn't offer them anything real, no vindication whatsoever. When he saw the proportions of his RJ story arc, he had an obligation to definitively choose RJ's identity and stick with it. He had that duty towards his loyal fans. Shameful.

Also, I reject the notion that Red John had to be a disappointment. This is a cheap cop out. Season 3 finale was brilliant and it offered a masterful RJ. Both the casting and Whitford's performance were impeccable. THAT was a Red John. Everything was done properly. This was pathetic and I absolutely reject the idea that it had to be a let down. It's a let down when your writing staff is poor and without a clear direction. It's inevitably poor when you dig yourself in too deep. Whitford was RJ for me, Berkeley was just unlucky to be cast in this odd joke of an episode.

The episode was butchered first with the dull and empty conversation between Jane and John ("I'm supposed to die, am I? It doesn't seem fair. - It is fair. It's over and I won." - the episode is filled to the brim with such gripping dialogue), and later on minutes of what could have been great head-to-head between two adversaries were wasted on scenes of running around. I think it speaks volumes that I was actually most impressed with scenes involving the FBI, ffs. If Heller weren't a hack, this would have been unexplicable.

Not only is it not enough that Red John turned out to be a weakling who begs and crawls without showing any heart whatsoever, the disappointment grows with the fact that Jane didn't really catch John. The ending tells us that, had RJ not decided to face Jane personally, he would never have been revealed. So essentially RJ brought forth his own demise and for all of Jane's mentalism and the sea of clues we came across during these 5+ seasons, it all counted for nothing as we needed RJ to break character and do something incredibly reckless and stupid. This doesn't require a leap of faith, it's insulting instead.

And now people still won't let go and they think the episode was fake despite being officially aired. This is what such a shocking ending does to fans. It was so poor that people are actually in denial.

To conclude, nothing worked in the episode and I wasn't even remotely pleased with Berkeley's RJ. He just doesn't fit at all. It's got to the point for me where ANY other character would have been a better choice. I would have preferred Grace as RJ to this.

I will echo the thoughts of some on here and say that, in the future, I will avoid anything that has Bruno Heller connected with it. I will watch the next episode to see if they'll explain anything, just one detail RJ-related, and then I'm done with the mentalist and especially with Heller.

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Theory #14371 • By velkop
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I watched the leaked episode just now and I believe it's the episode that will air on Sunday, just like I believed Red John was on the list of seven.
The reveal was underwhelming for me and I have to admit I didn't really enjoy the episode. There were a number of ludicrous things that happened there so I do hope it was a fake, but somehow I doubt it.

Nothing was explained except the explosion, and that is very disappointing as fans would like to know. If Red John dies without giving an explanation, as it happened in the leaked episode, then we will never know as no one can explain it but him.

Two things don't add up for me: 1. the character that turned out to be RJ wasn't really a red herring in my opinion (as the actor suggested in the article), and 2. there was talk of two of the three 'deceased' suspects coming back, which didn't happen. Those two things give hope that it may be a fake, but then I don't see why they'd do that. What's the point? It's the ultimate Red John episode, people will watch it anyway, you don't need to tease. If anything, this will bring ratings down as some of us who watched the leaked episode will consider it to be the real deal and won't tune in on Sunday. There won't be many, but there will be a number of people who will do that and in my opinion it can only increase the dissatisfaction and decrease the number of viewers for the official airing. This is why I don't believe CBS would, for some odd reason, air a fake episode. And if they wouldn't do it (makes no sense to me), then it really was leaked, in which case the reveal is genuine and it's ruined for many.

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I like the popular Brett Partridge theory that has gathered many plausible hits. It's well noticed and actually seems very likely to be true. It's that kind of perception why I come to websites like this one. The fishing hat thing and Patrick only mentioning two murders was nicely picked up, kudos.

In case it isn't Partridge, how do you fellas comment on the behaviour of Gale Bertram in the tattoo scene? When you look at him as a character throughout the series, he does seem like a red herring the actor was talking about in the TV Guide article. He has a presence, powerful position, whistles well, and in that scene after PJ and Lisbon exit his office upon inviting him to Patrick's house, not only is Lisbon's face different, but Bertram suddenly uses this soft voice to speak to whomever was on the other side of the line. He looks more worried than the others after the meet and whistles prior to placing the call. Also, he isn't necessarily calling someone he's supposed to keep in the loop - he may be calling a minion who will help get to the bottom of things. He has the tattoo, as well, though I am not sure that signifies.

During the tattoo scene, Bertram is trying the hardest to calm PJ down and make him drop the whole thing, while after his should is revealed his stare is blank and empty and definitely looks creepy. I don't know if anyone noticed, but you can go back to the moment when the camera shows the tattoo on his shoulder. Incidentally, he's also the last one to reveal the tattoo.

Also from before, after Lorelei tells Patrick about the handshake, there's a scene where Jane bumps into Kirkland at the office, they quickly shake hands and go about their business while the camera stays put and shows a picture of Bertram on the office wall, literally moments after the handshake. I've never seen anybody mention this moment before, which I found odd.

Anyway, has it been confirmed that we get a double dose of the show on Sunday or is it just speculation? It would be mighty cool of CBS to give us a two-parter, to close the Red John saga in a marathon.

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Theory #10047 • By velkop
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Wow @ the TV Guide reveal, and not in a good way. I can't believe they just made all that public. He's on the list and the actor thought he'd been a red herring. Stiles, anyone?

This show is just so poorly written it's quite incredible they managed to gatue suxh an audience.

So there's going to be zero inventiveness, twist or originality to the end of one if the longer sagas in recent television. Thanks, Heller, bang up job.

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