Who is Red John?

Theories of MuratYILMAZ (8)

Do you want to see PJ's list on napkin.

  Green for thanks, red for meeh.

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Hey Heller,
There were lots of questions asked you and you gave them shitty answers. Ok I'll buy it but answer this!

How a mastermind, a great leader of an empire, super psychic who knew PJ's list 2 months before the list reveals, world's greatest psychic who knew that PJ will gather all of 5 people in his house so he can arrange these before the gathering: place a bomb, bring an armadillo helmet, a flash bang, make Brett Partridge change his DNA sample and find a dead body which also killed a bomb too so forensics could not understand that body dead at least 3 months ago,
could not know PJ has a gun under the seat and a pigeon in his pocket?

Now I think you want to get help from Cynthia Saunders(Creator of Profiler).

Lets write your answer to this web site, and let the real fans decide it is plausible or not?

If you win I hope all steps you take turns gold.

If you not, I hope anything that you will make (even a salad) cant get even 1 point from IMDB never ever again.

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I am not saying PJ is RJ.

If Thomas is not RJ that means PJ become a serial killer and he will continue his murders.

- He has motive.
- He follows a pattern (kills who says I am RJ).
- He has his own signatures (He kills his victims in public places on broad day light. He uses fire arms.)
- He has mental illness history.
- He has access information, fire arms and law enforcement's resources.

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- Watch out guys!! I am carrying a pigeon.
- Drop your pigeon slowly and walk away!
- OMG!! He has a pigeon, he has a pigeon!!
- I am going to kick out my pigeon and peting a t-rex instead.
- I washed my car and 5 mins later a pigeon shat on it. But the PJ's pigeon not shat on his shirt in 22 minutes.

Anonymously Women With Knife 
- Walking Anonymously Women With Knife Apocalypse near!!
- The woman with the knife thinking: "Meeh at least I tried"
- The woman with the knife : OMG! I am on TV!!
- Woman to Heller: If you dont put me in the show at least 10 secs, I am going to anounce who is real RJ!

The boss is corrupt, shutdown CBI
- Those milks are expired at the market, better we shutdown the entire milk factory!
- Goverment shutdown! Whaaat?!
- FBI investigation is proceeding very seriously. But we dont want to see your shoulders. It makes everything easy, not the FBI way. 
- Boss we are out of handcuffs, lets dont arrest Lisbon? Ok. sat her on the front seat.

- Hımm a police man killed in my gas station better not yell. Lets just fart silently instead. It will beat off them.
- Hımm I killed a police man here and cashier is the witness better shot him too.. OMG!! What a smell run Bertram ruuuun !!!!
- Hey there is a injured man here, OMG!! gun wounds are contagious, I am not trying to help him! Heeelp!!!

Survival Tips (Do you hear me Bear Grills?)
- If someone get in to your home from a window, first yell, second wait for the next person, third give him the phone and everything just fine.
- If you shot an enemy and he runs away wait for him to say Heyy!! immediatelly he drops.
- When you go to church check under your seats
- If you are driving a FBI car please park it awesome. Dont bother if you are in a hurry try until it is awesome.
- If you are a psychic then you have plenty of time between two bombs which heard one. Wash your hands, change the bodies, move the guys who do you want to save to the safer zone. 
- If you cant find a taxi then why not spanish gangsta?!
- If you are a psychich you can resurrect the dead people and make them to change your dna sample and then send them to hell again.

 If you are a creator a great tv show 
- If you are a creator of a great tv show, you can do with it whatever you want. Dont bother the people who dedicate their insignificant times. Who are they? Screw it!
- If everyone knows better than you about your show, dont bother to take a great ideas from them. Instead use your pigeon, psychic pokemons. It makes great results.
-  If you dont know how you can end the show, take an example. There are plenty of great examples.Such as Lost, Dexter...
- If you dont have enough money, sell your episode by saying it leaked on itunes to $2.99 before the original day of the show.
- If you are out of "red" then why not start with "blue"

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Heller did not know,
What he needs to do.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
baker's man.
This was a bloody 
Awful end.

Pussy cat, pussy cat,
Why Heller is a dick
Red John is psychic.

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No, not again please. An ending in a church?! I am afraid that old man who came up is the Patrick's dead father and we will understand that all of the characters were dead in crash on a flight of Oceanic Airlines and the California is an island.

Pfft, come on Hollywood u can do better than this.

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Hi Everyone,
I can prove that RJ is not one of the 7. The video that Lorelei read RJ's guesses about PJ's list has shooted 2 months ago.

First I have to sorry about my english it is 2nd language of mine and I am a little bit rusty on it.

How RJ knew PJ's list before PJ even not start to study. Is he a psychic? Ofcourse not. There is no such thing psychic. It is repeatedly explained us during serie. So how RJ did this trick. In all mentalist tricks, The Mentalist lead victims to the results. This is obvious.

So RJ lead PJ to the list of 7's. I dont know why, but I have couple of theories. But I know how. Lets just focus the trick and the video. I'll explain how he lead later.

What did RJ said to PJ? 
"I'm going to start killing again, often. Until you catch me, or I catch you"

Why RJ wants PJ catch him. Not with help of RJ, but in the PJ's way. We all know that.
So if RJ wants PJ catch him by his own talents, it is not make any sense that RJ leaded PJ to himself with trick's result. "The list of 7"

And another question just for fun, what is he meaning by "or I catch you"?

Why Heller insists that one of these suspects is indeed Red John. He said:
"There is no sort of double twist. There's no more messing around. ... Only the truth gets revealed from now on in" 

That means Heller and CBS dont have a deal which can continue the show. But it is not means that RJ is on the list if show will continue.

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