Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


is so easy to do a show with so many mysteries and not explain any. Just like Lost.

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Can someone give me a link, where I can watch the latest episode (not leaked). Thx :)

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Hey guys

It was a lot of fun doing this. Over the past two or so years I've been coming here submitting a few theories.  I've accused Jane's father, Brett Partridge, Bret Stiles, I have seen the light in accusing Gale Bertram.  But never once did I accuse Sheriff McAllister and I still will not. 

A while ago I stopped accusing altogether. I realized that this show has gone from a carefully written and sculpted story, to a last minute decision written show.

A while back in one of my posts here I mentioned Bret Stiles and how I think he may be Red John and a comment from another user was "He does not fit Rosalind's description" and "Where does he fit into 'He is mar'". Well I said maybe the writers have abandoned those clues long ago with Timothy Carter. And I think they have.  I think the Roy Trafalergo and physical descriptions, the 'He is Mar' and everything in between will be loosely attributed to Timothy Carter's Red John. 

I loved this show, and I followed it closely. As much as I want to honor my love for the show, these last few episodes and the conclusion of the Red John saga was disappointing and feels extremely rushed. I guess Bruno did not lie about the list and all that, but the scary part is, in short he said screw everyone who wants answers because we are running from Red John as quickly as possible.

In my opinion, Red John was Brett Partridge in season 1, then CBS ordered another season so Bruno said "Wait, let's drag it out a bit". After another two seasons, they decided going back to Partridge was going to be weak, so let's make it a random creepy guy that no one has ever seen before. That should entertain the audience. And they pulled it off, Timothy Carter, to me, was a satisfying Red John. 

But then, they had nowhere to go. It's like letting go of a child's hand and seeing him not know where to go now. So suddenly, Red John was NOT Timothy Carter who just described in detail how he killed Jane's family, now he has influence over hundreds of people including law enforcement. Suddenly, everything gets explained by "He is a powerful man".

Then the writers (IMO very obviously) randomly selects a few guys, throws them in with a few actual suspicious guys and we get left with 7.

Then they sat with a problem because some of the clues didn't fit.  So let's select the most random of the 7, send him into the church as Red John, have Jane decline his offer to give us answers and then plead for his life and go all wimpy before he dies in the same episode he is revealed in.

Looking back, I could have lived with Red John as Timothy Carter.  Up until then, I didn't need any answers.  

But they pushed it waaaaay too far.  Thomas answers no questions.  
- He is Mar?
- Rosalind's description?
- Where does he fit in with Patrick?
- He does not seem like an evil genius?
- Where does he fit in with Visualize?
- If he is in Visualize why kill his guru Stiles?
- Why did the Latino go out of his way to keep Bertram alive until the church scene?
- Kirkland's brother?
- Patrick's happy memory?

Even some of the suspects on the list fit the clues better than Thomas. 

No turning back though.

Thanks everyone.

It's been fun.

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The Sheriff was the perfect one from the list to be Red John.He was appeared in season 1.His role is played by an excellent actor Xander Berkeley,he was someone that we didnt bet a penny being RJ when the list was revealed..I am really glad that he is RJ and not Haffner or Bertram or at worse Kirkland...But...Why Bruno??You did the perfect choice for RJ and you dont explain nothing to us??What the fuck means He is Mar...Probably he is marshall but you had to mention it...What about Elliston Farm??Why did RJ become that man?What happened in elliston farm??Not even explain to us how the fuck he knew about the list??I am a little dissapointed...Not because the sheriff was RJ.From the moment i saw the list i said its either Brett Partiride or  McAllister.But because you didnt explain anything to us???Why???

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So, probably no one will care, but I definitely liked the
revealing episode "Red John". After seeing the leaked version online
I was very unhappy too. But now, after seeing the version that aired on tv, I
must say that I am very happy with this ending of Red John.

Think about it: if we want to believe that something
could happen in real life, then what did you expect Red John to be? A magician?
Someone with supernatural powers? A superman? Come on guys... Red John is a
normal human being. That's it. He was and will ever be. He is afraid of pigeons
and also of being killed. Some people are afraid of spiders or snakes, so why
not of pigeons? They did a great job with clearing up who Red John is. And
finally Patrick Jane could kill him. That is all we ever wanted, right?

All of the actors did a great job. Period. The soundtrack
was great as always. The story itself was fun to watch and actually I am simply
thankful and most of us could feel with Patrick - Red John is finally dead.


I am glad to see that Red John was McAllister - a simple
Sheriff, someone with the usual fears. Sure, he was a psychopath, but I never
expected him to be someone else than a normal man with problems. What should
they have done different? Let his eyes glow in yellow, or what?

This episode was great - okay, except for Rockmond
Dunbar. ;)

Good job!

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OK OK! I can read a lot of people very angry here!

Please; stop insult Heller and be honest, there's absolutely nothing you would have been agree with concerning RJ's story. Why? Because after all this time you all thought RJ was a sort genius demon with magic powers, impossible to kill or catch, with some super powers like being invisible, telepahy,...
the best ending for most of us would have been RJ killing PJ and disappear in the dark. No one would have seen his face or hand or any detail, and the character and the show would have become a legend for all the geeks around the world... but it's a family show!

Of course, there are some mistakes in the story line, and about some details, but we know that the story is not written from the beginning. Heller did not choose RJ identity  before end of season 5. CBS has decided to stop the show after next season just few months ago, so it was time to think: "How to satisfy our fans by offering them a realistic end before we stop the show". And for me they did it, they made the job.

Just think about some logical facts like:
- RJ is a human being, nit a god, not a mutant.
- He has some weaknesses (birds fear, narcisism)
- He has a lot of "friends". that doesn't mean he is cool, but that a don't like to be alone and too coward to make the dirty job himself.
- OK he his very smart, but not Magic.
And as PJ always tells Lisbon: "magic doesn't exists, RJ is human!"

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I always watched The Mentalist because of the Red John storyline. Obviously this turned out to be a huge disappointment. Just like so many other shows, The Mentalist failed to tie loose ends. The Red Story line took 8 (!) episodes, but the final episode ended in a rush. Without answers being given. The pidgeon, the Latino, Van Pelt, Rigsby, ... it was so absurd.

I have more bad news, for those who prefered the Jisbon storyline over Red John... Check out the promo for next episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B9i6ZYwt48

It looks like there won't be given any more answers about the RJ saga either.

My interest in this show is gone, thanks for all the theories, I enjoyed them very much!

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