Who is Red John?

Theories of Pitbat (4)

I've just seen the episode, and I think it's awesome!!!

C'mon guys! Everything is OK. Finnaly, RJ is just a man of flesh and bones not a superman as he thought himself.
Yes, he is powerful, because of his sheriff statut, his gun, and also because he has very strong mentalist skills, but he can be killed and I think he did realized it until PJ put a bullet in his freaky stomach.
OK the pigeon trick is a bit stupid but don't forget the show is also about magic tricks, and doing this Heller wanted to remind us this side of the story. When I saw that, it remind me a scene from "The 5th Element" when Gary Oldman smother himself with a cherry kernel, and the priest told him something like "look at you, you think you are powerful because you rule the world with all your money and your technology, but you're going to be killed just by a small cherry kernel". And it's all about that! When Patrick throw the pigeon, RJ reacts like a small girl and lose all his power. When he asks for pity in the church it's just a trick to call his minion (the wife with knife), but when he asks again in the park, he is serious, he don't want to die. he thinks he is too strong and important to be killed like an animal in a park. The guy is completely crazy, until the last moment he wants to trust that he is magic "I'm a true psychic". And Jane's provocation "I'm a bit disappointed" (meaning: Look at you little piece of shit, you think you're invincible, and I kick your ass with a pigeon!), he knew exactly that using this kind of sentence, Rj would lose his self control.

The last scene is great, PJ is running for many reasons:
- to runaway from FBI, coz now he will be like Micheal Scofield in prison break,
- to evacuate the adrenaline,

And look at the background, there are:
a walking mother with her daughter,
an old couple
a father playing with his daughter.
Three things PJ could never do because of RJ.

This is my interpretation, I loved this finish. now I hope many questions will find answers later (we have this season + another one before the end of the show).

PS: stop investigate by watching all the McAllister episods, because until end of season 5, no one was supposed to be RJ, so no clues to find.

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OK OK! I can read a lot of people very angry here!

Please; stop insult Heller and be honest, there's absolutely nothing you would have been agree with concerning RJ's story. Why? Because after all this time you all thought RJ was a sort genius demon with magic powers, impossible to kill or catch, with some super powers like being invisible, telepahy,...
the best ending for most of us would have been RJ killing PJ and disappear in the dark. No one would have seen his face or hand or any detail, and the character and the show would have become a legend for all the geeks around the world... but it's a family show!

Of course, there are some mistakes in the story line, and about some details, but we know that the story is not written from the beginning. Heller did not choose RJ identity  before end of season 5. CBS has decided to stop the show after next season just few months ago, so it was time to think: "How to satisfy our fans by offering them a realistic end before we stop the show". And for me they did it, they made the job.

Just think about some logical facts like:
- RJ is a human being, nit a god, not a mutant.
- He has some weaknesses (birds fear, narcisism)
- He has a lot of "friends". that doesn't mean he is cool, but that a don't like to be alone and too coward to make the dirty job himself.
- OK he his very smart, but not Magic.
And as PJ always tells Lisbon: "magic doesn't exists, RJ is human!"

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I won't accuse anybody in my post to be RJ anymore. I'll just wait for the big episod in 5 days from now.

I've watched the last episode 3 times and I've noticed that when he entered the church and put himself on his knees, PJ face does not express sadness or reflexion or disappointment. He seems to be anxious, like when somebody is expecting something but without knowing exactly what would happens.
I think RJ asked PJ to meet him in the churchand so PJ came and is waiting for his nemesis.
I still not understand why we had this rapid plan on PJ leg in the church ...

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Fisrt of all I want to ask many of you to stop thinking that Brett Partridge can be RJ! Why? Because he is dead. How can you think PJ and the CBI would have made such a mistake by having not deeply checking this little detail?!? In my mind he was obviously the first victim because most of the fans thought he was RJ (CSI and DEXTER influence? Maybe!). RJ killed him because he was irritated by the fans as he was by PJ in the past!
6 left.

Bob Kirkland is dead!
5 left.

Bertram, Smith, McAllister, are connected by their tatto to what we supposed to be a secret organization. This tatto is also something PJ would have noticed for long time if all RJ "tools" had it (mostly Lorelei). We already had a clue about this connection in episod s6ep02 when Jane surprised the 3 of them during a secret meeting in Bertram's office.
2 left.

Except is age, Stiles is the perfect RJ, powerful, clever, with influence on many people,but he is too old to be RJ. I think he knows who RJ is and try to protect him because he has a sort connection with him. Of course we knows RJ was/visualize but it's possible that Stiles is RJ's father or at least family member. Or just becuase RJ is Visualize member, he considers him as his one of his child.

perfect profile. Member of Visualize. He was CBI before leaving to found his own company. Maybe he realized PJ was about to find him and he prefered to distance himself. We also know he has fellings for Lisbon, this might be the reason why he did not kill her. He also knows very well the team, so he can anticipate their moves.
Remember Lorelei told RJ and PJ were the same. both of same got the same charm and elegancy and should seduce the same kind of girls (Lorelei, Lisbon, Frey).

This is my theory, now let's wait and see!!!

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