Who is Red John?

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Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


Haffner if RED JOHN !

If there is no death scene, there is no death. He's alive and Jane remembers what really happened. Maybe Jane is ok with stiles pretending to be dead to dodge the FBI and get some free time. No major actor would leave the show without a big scene. Haffner was shown lifting weights, has to be RED John. That is the premise of the RJ Character. Bet he has a big dragon tattoo on his back. Somehow RJ will be from Jane's childhood. Possibly resentful of him moving on. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they kill who they think is RJ, close the case and in the series finale find out the real RJ is either A. Patrick Jane alter ego. B. Theresa Lisbon with a big dragon tattoo on their back/chest

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Ok.  Here's another theory of mine.  This time instead of Minelli I wanna go with Haffner but only in a halfway sense.  When Red John first started out he had a partner named Orville Tanner.  Who's to say Red John doesn't always keep a partner around during his killings?  When Red John was talking to Patrick he had both hands free.  Of course you could say he was holding the phone with his shoulder/ear or bluetooth but for the sake of this theory I'm going to say there were two guys there.  One is the voice/mind of Red John and the other does his dirty work/killing.  Haffner does the dirty work since his voice sounds nothing like him and.......Sean Barlow or Virgil Minelli is the voice/mind/brains.  Someone else posted this really cool vid on youtube about Haffner.  Watch it.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EECBjnasoEk&list=WLLSLLkh0wPJZ10LsEC2rwJHk3shVxfvVi

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Hey guys, I've made a little video about my favorite Red John suspect, for the fun of it but also to visualize the clues I found (or at least I think I found). 

Hope this link works:


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Not a Ray theory but a question....

A lot of us have been theorizing that Lisbon has been bugged this season. If so, how? My initial thought would be her cross that she wears around her neck. (It would have to be a pretty tiny bug.) In terms of props, her cross is pretty much synonymous with Jane's teacup - which we know has been, um, compromised.

Is there ever a time when she is not wearing it? Has it always been the same cross? At what point would it have been bugged? If not her cross, then what else?

As a follow up, if Lisbon is bugged, it makes the PI bug seem (even more) ridiculous - likely a set up. It did set the happenings of the last two episodes in motion.

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To Partridge's fans:

What is the point of concealing your voice if your own voice sounds similar to the fake one?

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If theres one thing we know, its that Red John is original. He likes to be acknowledged. If people try to copy or take credit for his work, they die. Therefore, i doubt he is going to have a tattoo the hundreds of other people have. Dont You?

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First of all let me say that I am not a Partridge fanboy. I always prefered the calm but overwhelming presence of Thomas or the "act" of "regular" Ray. 

But after reading some theories about Partridge was shown to us dead a second time and all the fuzz about Cho just checking the tattoo, I couldn't help but think that maybe Cho didn't chech the face because he knows that this guy isn't Partridge and he is an associate of his.

That is based on the fact that I'm guessing someone from the team will have connections to RJ. Thoughts?

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