Who is Red John?

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Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


You guys, all I had to watch was two minutes of that episode and I knew it was a decoy/fake.  C'mon everything is shoddy, camera work, acting, writing, everything.  Puhlease!  Do u think for one moment that if anybody in the press or whoever saw a rough cut at this, they wouldn't have made their feelings known to everyone??  They're not talking about this, because it is a Fake.  Just watch on Sunday, trust me!  It's made to be a spoof!

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As a young child, RJ was forced to watch Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" over and over again, by his older brother Blue Jean.

Pigeon, pigeon
Don't take flight
Stay around
And give RJ a fright.

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Questions that need to be answered:-

-Who is Red John?
-The "He Is Mar" clue.
-What happened at that house the night it blew up?
-How Red John knew Jane's list before he did?
-How did Red John kill Jane's happy memory?
-How was Red John always one step ahead of Patrick Jane?
-Why did Red John tell Patrick the poem of William Blake?
-Origins of the Blake Association.
-Why didn't Jane take Rosalind Harker's description of Red John into consideration before making the list?
-The Kirkland twins.
-Why did Red John kill Bret Partridge?
-What Brett Stiles meant when he said "I know more than you or Red John could ever know".
-Why the hell CBI Ron was in so many episodes?
-The freakin' pigeons!
-How Red John has so many accomplices that are willing to do anything for him?
-Red John's voice. As it couldn't have been the voice changer people use over the phone because his voice was exactly the same when he made his first physical appearance in the season 2 finale.
Feel free to let me know if I have missed any more in the comments below.


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Red John: Don't kill me, you don't know I got your list!!! you don't know how I got your list!!! I'm a real psychic!!!

Patrick: I don't give a shit!!!

This scene was hilarious :D

I liked Haffner, but I'm ok with RJ's real identity. He was almost everyone's second choice!!! I'm bothered that they left so many questions unanswered. At least those that were related to RJ himself should've been taken care of.

What I'm hoping to see from now on is RJ's dream haunting Patrick. Like what happened to Grace and O'Laughlin. RJ's dream accompanies Patrick and even helps him solve cases!!! I hate to see him go away like this, but at the same time I hate dragging the storyline too far.

R.I.P RJ, you'll always be my favorite serial killer.

PS: Partridge fans, sorry!!! Your RJ was nothing more than a puppet!!!

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What the fuck is going on here?
Even if you have seen this episode why did you spoil for us?
I hope macallister is not Red John.
Now, it is friday night (in europe) and we should go out.
Don't go crazy, we wait till sunday

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I love this show and I enjoy these theories posted by all of you so much. I have something to say about the recent posts that RJ had been identified and the picture of someone in the church and being strangled by PJ. It shows a lack of respect for the rest of us who have not seen, and will not see, the "RJ" reveal episode this upcoming Sunday evening. I can't stress enough how I hope this is not the real episode. I can't imagine it being  the real deal, since none of the previous episodes, to my knowledge, have been leaked prior to that particular episode being revealed. I know that you all have been waiting for the answer to the RJ question for over 5 years now, and how much this show means to so many.  I can only hope we have not prematurely found out what is going to happen on Sunday when we watch in our different time zones. Can't wait until Sunday!

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It this leaked  shit is  true  they should have  allowed someone else to write the finale.

I dont know  something more fitting.


Something involving  a  60s  VW van,   Great  Danes  ,  plastic  masks    and Red John  complaining that he would have  get away with it  if not  for those damm cbis  and their  Dog.

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