Who is Red John?

Theories of JuanelRojopiojo (5)

just saw the thing.
Sorry guys  but its legit.
They may add  5-10 more minutes with some chatter that may explain some things more deeply, like  rigsby being on fbis  payroll  or something like that.
But the essence  is going to be the same,  the damm  redneck is red john  and  instead of acting  like an evil  genius  he acts like an scared  chicken,  with some feathers  if you ask me.
we are not going to get any more explanations  on all those  clues all these years.

Dissapointing  to the max.

i will probably not watch  the rest of the season,  and they are nuts if they think  audience  is going to forgive them.

They killed  any chance  of a 7th season,  and  im being generous  thinking the will be able to finish the 6th,  they may actually get the axe  in two or three weeks.

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It this leaked  shit is  true  they should have  allowed someone else to write the finale.

I dont know  something more fitting.


Something involving  a  60s  VW van,   Great  Danes  ,  plastic  masks    and Red John  complaining that he would have  get away with it  if not  for those damm cbis  and their  Dog.

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Theory #13108 • By JuanelRojopiojo
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Its me or  that figure   going into the  Church   and   the  VOICE  we hear in the promo are actually     " SAUL TIGH"ts?

Anyway,  RJ this, RJ that     RJ What.

I want  some  opinions  about if there REALLY is  a  MOLE  in  PJ  inner circle    and who  is it.
We can discard Lisbon  so      Cho/VPelt/Rigsby.

If tehres  a mole  is it direct mole  to  RJ  or  Tiger Tiger  ( unlikely if its one of the married couple  i mean.....you would have notice  the  3 points in  bed.....or are they shy like hell and turn the light off?¿?¿?¿?   )

Wanna hear some theories bout this.


1 Why?
2 How could  this have  happened under  PJ nose and him not realizing?

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I think everybody is falling into  Hellers  trap.

He has done everything posible so people  is focused basically in two of the characters,   completely discard  other two     and thinks  two of them are completley out of the game.


I think he has lead  us  away from   Stiles and haffner   deliberately.

NO ONE is  paying attention to them in the last  hours after  episode  7.

Well  if i was him and wanted to pull a shocker  what better tan  lead everybody  in one or various mislead directions with  fake clues   just to  pull the rabbitt out of my hat at last minute.

All the   Partridge  corpse  with no face  and no tattoo and no one ever saw him   " fakin his death"     hints.
All the   hey  the sheriff is in the  promo for episode 8,  it cant be so obvious they wont give it away,  they give it away  to make us think  he wouldnt be so obvious  and etc etc.
All the   hey   how bout    the evil twin of Kirkland, oh look  maybe  Reed  failed his shots.
All the focusing on how  imposible is that Smith and Bertram  are indeed red John.

It has make us all forget bout  the  Blind womans description  wich does NOT sit well with old men,     has us all make us forget  the Red  Barn  wich  by all means points at haffner mightly,  has us make us forget   Stiles  and his hordes  and how he has  waved good bye to
them because  he was going to " trascend".

Yep ladies and gentleman  im  not gonna be  fooled nor surprised  if Haffner  ends being it  and the sect/Stiles being involved  somehow  maybe even  Stiles turns to be a " hidden hero" of the story  or whatever.

What i know is if he is bertram/the Sheriff or partridge im going to puke  and if its kirklands evil twin or  Jane himself  im going to stop watching .

Btw, something being completley overlooked   :

Who  is the mole?

Grace, Wayne  or  Kinball?

is the mole  directly in contact with  Red John  or is  a tiger tiger  member?   ( unlikely in that case for  Grace and Wayne  , i mean  they get laid  so they would know bout the tatoo.....and i dont want to see   Cho turn out like that).

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Theory #11962 • By JuanelRojopiojo
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The way  this has been set up   the options are limited.

A) Whatever  Kirkland,  as  in  Bob  "lost  his bro " to  " red  john"  in a  " your father was betrayed by a  jedi called darth vader"  .  Stupid.

B) Partridge,  oh, so obvious  gets himself  " killed" first to operate freeley.  Booooooring.

C)  Patrick jane,  finally comes  to realize  he is a bipolar  psyco   and goes to pray  .  Pffff    so many seasons for this shit?

Any other solution will  be  so much more  dissapointing.

So i guess  we are up  for a dissapointment regardless.

Lets get crazy  and say  red john is  Chos  drugadict  ex girlfriend,  or janes father!!!!

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