Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Bret Stiles has got to be RJ. He is the only one with the charisma and power to have so many followers. We already know that he has a lot of friends in high places and he did get Lorelei out of jail. Lots of people think it is Kirkland but he didn't get PJ's info until after Lorelei was dead, so I think that excludes him. Actually, I think Kirkland is basically like PJ. Maybe RJ killed someone close to him, so he is out for blood too. Some think it is Partridge but I think he just enjoys his job or may be a serial killer himself but not RJ. Stiles may also be an old "Carnie" like Jane. The others just don't fit the profile for me. It has to be Stiles.

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Heller stated "you can trust the list". Perhaps that is Red John's list only, and not Patrick's. He had time to get all the pictures lined up in his pocket before he showed Lisbon the disc. He did appear solemn during that scene, but with PJ, one never knows. This way Bruno technically isn't lying, just choosing his words cleverly. I only chose Stiles because my iPad wouldn't let me scroll down any further to the unknown suspect category.

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Ok so I don't know for sure who RJ is and if us all trying to guess the 7 suspect list is anything to go by i cant even begin to think what RJ back story will be or why he does it or what started it all...  so its impossible to really know who RJ is going to be... but... 

If I'm taking a guess out of the 7 suspects then stiles is the man! yes he is older  & he doesn't really fit the physical profile Rosalind gave PJ but then can we take her word on that?? she was always dodgy to me....
out of the 7, Stiles is charming, intelligent, head of his own cult, he is friends (kind of) with Patrick already, he can manipulate people & he def has dark side. 

and i believe that the others suspects on janes list are linked to RJ or are def RJ follwers, i think they are RJ hig rank follwers, in fact.  With the likes of Bertram, Haffner, Kirkland,  Partridge, Smith, Mcallister all in RJ pocket it makes sense how RJ is always one step ahead of jane all these years... they are all in law enforcement & it would explain how Rj gets his info so easily, how the crimes scenes never have any evidence, how he can access cbi records, how he can keep close tabs on patrick & many many other things I could list and all these guys can help him achieve these in some way of another.

So right now Im thinking Stiles is RJ... the rest are his main Followers...

As for other slightly out there theorys on here , i realise everyone is entitled to their own but some are slightly OTT now... got to remember this is TV show not a feature fantasy film...

Lisbon is not rj or 1 of his accomplices,  her whole role in the show is she janes partner & love interest, its been happening from the start & they have been slowly falling for each other over the years & growing closer, its been the small underlining story in the show, it's not going to be some sappy love story won't fit with the show, plus Jane still has to come to terms with letting his family go plus many many other issues he & her have between them. but she is not rj or his follower she is janes.
on saying that all i am sure that over the years lisbon has accidentally let info slip regards rj cases or about Jane to some of the 7 suspects without her even realising it. Bertram, Haffner, Kirkland, all work closely with her, even reede smith could get info as he is Mancini's partner, she is friends with Mancini goes poker with him etc. But if she did give anything away she did it without her realising it.

Jane is not red john.... end of..

The Dvd is not a fake or was not done by PJ. this was RJ trying to look like he has still the upper hand but in fact he doesn't, not anymore Jane is closer than ever now.

As for is lorelei is dead theory?... mmmm...  i'm torn on this theory. if she is alive then she is working with Rj not Jane. Lorelei & Rj are kind of like the evil twisted messed up equvilant of Jane & Lisbon except Lorelei let a massive thing slip so it's now changed the game & her role.  If she was working with Jane then she would just tell him who RJ is and he would just go after him he just wants to get his revenge, nothing else matters to him.  So if she is still alive then dvd & she are part of rj game... not janes.

Anyway thats all for now. right now this is a theory i having... I'm going with Stiles as RJ & the rest will fit in with him/RJ somehow. 

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I truly believe that Bret Stiles is our man. To me he is the only actor who can really pull it off, and the only one of the suspects who is capable of having that much power and influence over such a vast number of people...just like he does in visualize. He is charming, witty and surely has a dark side. Red John uses peoples weaknesses to get his victims to trust him and depend on him....When Bret was in Jail he tried to get to Grace in much the same way.
Now looking at the facts. When Bret helped Jane break Lorelai out of jail "homeland security"(Kirkland)  on it in no time. I truly believe that Bret was using Jane as a pawn to get Lorelai where he wanted her to kill her off. 

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Hello everyone,

after a lot of thinking and re-watching episodes, I now decided to accuse Bret Stiles of being Red John. Here is why:

I am a fan of "Ockham's razor theory". This basically says that the answer with the least assumptions is the one to be prefered, because it is the most likely.

Now, in one episode, Patrick explains this theory to his colleagues. That means the writers are aware of this theory.

With that in mind, I re-watched several episodes which feature the suspects from the list.

To keep it short: Most of them seem very unlikely, both on-screen as well as off-screen. It turned out that McAllister would be a good suspect due to his suspicious behaviour against Van Pelt in S01E02. However, it makes no sense to make a one-time-guest-actor to become the main evil of the series.

Partridge again is sloppy, insecure and definitely not a ladies-man. How do you picture him gathering plenty of followers who happily give their lives for him? He is more likely to become obsessed with Red John and start a new life as a copy killer. ;)

Now, to rule out the others: Red John is someone unique. Someone extraordinairy. He is special, let's face it. At least this is how the character is drawn. We cannot expect anything less from him. He is a main ingredient of the show.

That fact alone rules out most other suspects. None of them has a personality that could make us believe he is such a big player as Red John.

None of them - except one: Bret Stiles. And now Ockham comes into play. I re-watched S03E03. And the clues are quite overwhelming. I watched this episode particularly with Ockham's theory in mind and it makes perfect sense. Please watch the episode to better understand what I mean. I will give only one example here:

At the end of the episode, Stiles hands out a paper with the address where Red John hides Kristina Frye. When asked how he knows what Red John is planning, Stiles replies cryptically that he knows so much more than Patrick and John. This of course is a completely meaningless reply and just says that he will not reveal his sources.

Ockham would say: There are two likely explanations: 1. Red John told Stiles the address. 2. Stiles is Red John. Before remembering Ockham, I always thought: This is way too obvious, but if you take into consideration that the writers are aware of Ockham, it is also likely that they use this tool for their storytelling. They trick us with so many things that they know that we wouldn't believe such a simple truth, even if presented on a silver plate to us. ;)

There are other scenes in this episodes that indicate Stiles being Red John. The "relationship" between John and Patrick is often described as some sort of, well, not "love", but something special from John's point of view. Stiles talks about this same, well, let's call it affection, that he feels for Patrick. He also refers to him as friend and even "my dear". This fits into the picture, too.

Then again, we all remember that some people (well, at least one) are surprised that Patrick and Red John are not best friends, because they are so alike. And while Stiles somehow (especially in later episodes) seems to seek out for some sort of friendship with Patrick, it is quite clear that while Patrick respects Stiles, he does definitely not consider him as a friend. (Otherwise, he would not be on the list anyway.) This speaks for my theory as well, because Stiles is (apart from Bertram, but he seems so unlikely to me that I do not even consider thinking about him) the only character with whom Patrick could befriend. All others did not even get the space for building up anything with Patrick.

So, yeah, this is basically my thought about who is Red John. I think I forgot one more "fact" I wanted to present, but it already is a wall of text anyway. ;) Thanks for your time.

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So, I`ve come with a new theory. If someone asks me who I think Red John is the first name that comes to my mind is Bret Partridge. Why? Well, mostly because of his voice, which is, actually, the only thing that could make us believe that he is RJ.
If I decide to think about it and examinate the evidences, like the CBI does, I might have a different opinion.
First, today I took another look on the 7 suspects list and I noticed something interesting: all of the suspects, except Bret Stiles, work with the police. So it seems like 6 of them have something in common, while Stiles has his own business and religion. Now, if you think about it, in the last episode of season 4, when Jane speaks with Red John in the limousine, RJ says that he found out about Lisbon and Rigsby not being dead when the FBI did. "I have a friend in the FBI", he said, so this could mean that he is not the one working for the police. For some reason, I generally trust in what Red John says to Jane.
Then, it is very strange for me the fact that Rosalind never said how old RJ is. Even if she is blind, and even if he used a disguise, the women slept with him, for God`s sake. It`s not very difficult to figure out how old is the man you`re having sex with. So why didn`t she mention his age? Is it because that would made a difference? Except for Bertran, McAllister and Stiles, the other 4 suspects are in their 40s, so if Roy would be older than 50, that would reduce the number of suspects at 3.
Least but not last, in the last episode of season 1, the one when Rosalind appears for the first time, the cop who is RJ`s accomplice, sherif Hardy, says that "Red John was a friend of his father". Sherif Hardy is at least 35 years old, so his father should have been at least 53-55 years if he were alive. This is why I can`t imagine Bret Partridge being friends with someone this old. I know it could be possible, but I just can`t imagine that.
So, in conclusion, my guess is Bret Stiles. Based on what I already said and on the other clues (he has intelligence, he is a mentalist, too, he has money, power, he is experienced, has his own religion, and seem the type of person who would listen to Bach, play the piano) I think that he is the son of a bitch. More than that, on season 4, he was trying to make Van Pelt join his Visualize club.
We already know that Red John has a thing for redheads, right?
The only thing that doesn`t fit is the voice, which I think is Bret Partridge`s. Of course, Red John is smart enough to put a different voice when talking to Jane, so this is not necessarily a clue.

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I know all suspects can be RJ that won't make us surprise. But remember
that scene RJ saved Patrick. Remember RJ's voice. They way how he talks.
So slowly. Brett P doesn't talk that much slow neither Bob K. If you're
saying what if they act like that... Im personally talk real fast like
Brett P. I don't like talking slowly it's killing me even if im acting
like that. That's because i believe RJ is talking slowly in his real
character. ( Without mask ). I've read at least 500 comments watched
about 30 videos. But after i
watch this i was totally sure who is RJ. Maybe some of you watched this
already. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_h0w9Q76QI. Look how Bret
Stiles talk. His voice seems familiar. And the way he talks slowly like
Red John.

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