Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


The one thing I have never been able to wrap my head around is that Red John is Serial Killer. Here is this elaborate network of disciples that resembles a mafia family, yet the all powerful leader (Red John) risks it all because he gets his rocks off killing people, mostly women? Also why would the head of an elaborate crime network get so upset because a glory hunting con man like Jane goes on TV and says he is going to catch him? Finally after all this time how come not a single solitary disciple of Red John has ever exposed him? Eventually even the most ruthless Mafia Crime Bosses get turned in by someone close to them.

Here is my theory....... Red John is NOT a serial killer. He is the head of a secret society, and just like other Secret Societies the members work together to support each other. The murders appear to be the work of a psychotic Serial Killer when in reality they are the Societies way of proving if its members are loyal while also giving the society leverage over its members. In season 5 Red John asks PJ to kill Lisbon to prove his loyalty. I don't think the members themselves even know who Red John is. The pretense that Red Johns is a Serial Killer distracts law enforcement from investigating the Society.

I read an interview with Heller, where he was quoted as saying "what will disappoint fans the most is when they realize that Red John is just a man" That leads me to believe that Red John is the very mortal man, Bret Stiles and his motivation is to manipulate Jane into being his successor.

That theory answers my questions.... The killings are NOT the work of a serial Killer, they are all done by Tiger Tiger members proving their loyalty, while deflecting exposure away from the secret society. Jane was chosen by Red John to be his successor, and the reason his disciples never turn him in is because they don't even know who he is.

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The whole Red John thing will be an interesting discovery. Not too simple, but not too complicated. 

First of all I want to say who is NOT Red John. And those are the three suspects with the dots. It's obvious they're all in something bad, maybe related to Red John, but they are not. Of that I am sure. They don't seem like the type of people.

Second I just want to mention all the things that have caught my attention through the series, things to consider to know who Red John is:

a) The famous "He is Mar". Maybe many, or even try to google Texe Marrs, he has something to do with the name of the next episode "The Great Red Dragon", which is a William Blake thing as well.
This is probably an interesting thing.
b) The pigeons for sure are a big clue.
c) I think all the phobias are just a way to distract the fans.
d) The thing with LaRoche is still hanging there, it was never clear.
e) What about Bob Kirkland? He is not done, at least not his twin brother. 
d) I think the Tiger, Tiger password and the poem RJ says, there's obviously a connection.
f) When Teresa is at the Hospital, the nurse asks for some Chinese person, not a coincidence. 
g) And most importantly, Bret Stiles, that ritual, there's of course something there.
h) Many other details that I have probably forgotten.

My take is that RJ was Bret Stiles, the one who killed Jane's family, or the voice at least. But I think RJ is some sort of symbolism. Bret Stiles is the leader, and a lot of people are connected. 

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Hi folks
I couldn't watch the episode and probably won't for a long time so reading your comments is keeping me going. But I'm confused, people are saying Haffner got out alive, others are saying the three with the tattoos. It feels like from the synopsis for episode 8 that patrick deals with the three and then faces red john. I believe its either Bertram or haffner. I wish that the last three left were stiles and haffner andthe sheriff. I would really dispise reede. As red john it makes no sense. I don't think partridge is coming back sorry. Can you fill me in on who survived. How do we know those on the board are dead and not the remaining suspects

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 one thing we know for sure is the red john story line will be done concluded in episode 8 as its "red john" as episode 9 is called "My Blue Heaven" and 10 is "Green Thumb" and this is the first time bar the episode s406 (tho red john was supposed to of still been thought dead by everyone bar jane) that the title has not refrenced the color red or have a connection with something red i.e fire,cherry, rose, blood, crimson even pink

right back to the topic who i have wanted red john to be for a long time now is bret stiles (tho i dont think it is) as when jane and him first met they didn't get on but had a mutual respect for him, he is a very intelligent charecter and seems as now he would be smart enough to be red john, tho i went off him being red john when jane asked for the favour stiles had owed him and located lorali for him and  helped for escape for jane to talk with

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It's not Gale Bertram - he is Kirklands mole in the inside organisation he approached Smith about, which explains the conspiratorial comment made between Kirkland and Bertram about Lisbon: "can we trust her?"

We also have no evidence it was Red John himself that had the tattoo - it could have been a Tyger Tyger member, and all the PI was trying to do was impart the sole bit of information she had in her dying moments.

We also know from things Heller has said that Red John is indeed on the list Jane made, which rules out other members of the team.

My suggestion is Stiles - he has already demonstrated enough personality to build an entire religion around himself, manipulate many people into doing his will, and shown that he has the ability to enter and exit the country at will (remember Red John beat Jane to Mexico to kill someone Jane was interested in talking to). He has powerful diplomatic friends, and a vast personal wealth to back his movements and actions.

His Visualize persona is just an act, something Red John is very good at doing when he wants or needs to as he is able to get close to a large range of people to carry out his wishes. He is manipulative and coercive, he is controlling and he loves his position of power.

If his claims of having cancer is also true, then that would also tie into Red John not wanting to play by any rules any more - he wants a sprint to the finish line with Jane before he can't do it any more.

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Am I the only one that noticed that Reede Smith, (who works for the FBI), didn't care one bit that Bret Stiles was right next to him.

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Smith killed Kirkland because he found about a secret organisation while investigation RJ. Smith figures that PJ will also find out about this organisation wirh his own RJ investigation so Smith sends the PI to bug the office to see if PJ truly has info on the organisation. When she is caught he figures she is too much of a liability and kills her. This is why her killer has the tattoo. The tyger tyger org members have the tattoos, I dont't think RJ does.

I think PJ lets Ray and Stiles leave and if you look closely there is a car that looks like Smith's car just as Lisbon is arriving at Jane's house (when she crosses two cars and gets beeped at). I think Bertram, Smith, Mcallister and Jane are in this car.

My guess is it's haffner. We can't forget red barn episode. RJ is associated with Vizualise and did you see how Stiles painted the girl with the blood. As RJ admires Stiles, he would have used the writing of the blood in his killings.

This last episode was amazing....although I cursed at PJ for tricking Lisbon (and us viewers). My heart broke into tiny pieces. She was teary and happy about what he was saying and the hug and he played her. Shame on you! :)

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