Who is Red John?

Theories of DaLilSolja (23)

The article pretty much told us who Red John is so it really can't be misunderstood in my opinion. It doesn't spell it out but it's close to it. I'm not going to give anything away but it's not so bad it could have been worse I guess. Still hopefully he can do him justice. I still had my preference though. I don't think they post the spoilers in the articles in TV GUIDE. The temptation is just too much. I haven't seen the last episode but from everyone's comments it seems that it is obvious who RJ is, when this really shouldn't be the case, we should still be left guessing until the very end.

I don't think it's all gonna add up but we'll wait and see.

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Theory #9343 • By DaLilSolja
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So that's it we know who red john is by cast. I did think Bertram was separate from the the other two TT members but he was connected with Kirkland lol he was right under bobs nose. Thing is Heller said that they would investigating the TT connection into the remainder of th3e season. I kinda thought that Bertram was infiltrating the TT group. I was hoping that RedJohn was Ray under stiles. Ah well I'm prepared For it now.

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I can't post under theories for some reason but I just want to say effindudemar theory below #9178 is the best theory I have read yet. Anything less than this from the show would be disappointing but saying that did haffner or stiles even survive the explosion.

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We only have one episode left until PJ confronts redjohn so I guess that we figure out who he is in the next episode near the end especially if they are planning on explaining everything. I do not see someone coming back from the dead I definitely think he is on the list. I feel the whole thing is rushed this season and should have been spread evenly over the whole season. Anyway the only person I don't want is reede but as Heller said we are going to be disappointed

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Hi folks
I couldn't watch the episode and probably won't for a long time so reading your comments is keeping me going. But I'm confused, people are saying Haffner got out alive, others are saying the three with the tattoos. It feels like from the synopsis for episode 8 that patrick deals with the three and then faces red john. I believe its either Bertram or haffner. I wish that the last three left were stiles and haffner andthe sheriff. I would really dispise reede. As red john it makes no sense. I don't think partridge is coming back sorry. Can you fill me in on who survived. How do we know those on the board are dead and not the remaining suspects

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This isn't mine, I found it and thank whoever found this out. 

Roll Tide is a common phrase for Alabama, whose mascot is the Elephant. I searched William Blake and Elephant, which he had drawn and also noted the character of the elephant in his “Heaven and Hell” poem:http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/william_blake/poems/1105.html
This poem uncovers various roles of the animals, including the tyger, and it seems to be more telling of this series and the RJ suspects and Jane, etc, than other poems. It’s worth a look.
                                                                                        - latidah

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Theory #8121 • By DaLilSolja
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Just some information may not be useful but interesting. All about pigeons which lead me to something else, keep reading it gets interesting.

GENERAL PIGEON INFO: Symboism of Pigeons: "Finding one many pigeons, he will win according to their number of diligent and useful slaves, - these are young pigeons, he will acquire young slaves under age who are from strong shape."
There is a pigeon called a dragoon, They had originally been called the Dragon but this changed over time maybe because of the birds more upright posture and gentlemen were starting to keep them. Dragoons were far more likely to be used in flying matches or races than the more valuable Carrier which no longer had to live up to its name.
Rock doves are common birds in cities and town but, they can also be found on fields and rocky cliffs.They may gather in large flocks in urban parks where people feed them. They seem to prefer open feeding areas that permit a speedy getaway if a threat is detected.

One of the richest and most famous families in the world amassed its wealth, certainly in part, as a result of exploiting the pigeon. In the early 1800s the Rothschild family set up a network of pigeon lofts throughout Europe and used homing pigeons to carry information between its financial houses. This method proved to be quicker and more efficient than any other means of communication available at the time. The speed of the service and the ability to send and receive information ahead of the competition helped the Rothschild family amass a fortune, which still exists today.

This lead me to ROTHSCHILD AND OTHER RED THINGS http://www.tribwatch.com/redshield.htm read below

It is common opinion that the House of Rothschild rules the world invisibly today, and has done so for two centuries, by creating (i.e. paying off) its own puppets to work on its behalf in the visible world...on many fronts but especially in politics, commerce, technology, education and media outlets. The first Rothschild originated in a part of Germany where rulers were "illuminated" with the so-called "Age of Enlightenment" brought on by Rosicrucians...and by "first" I mean that "Rothschild" was not the true family name; internet websites say that it was "Bauer," meaning "farmer." The Enlightenment has given the world modern democratic politics, the industrial revolution, highly-advanced science and technology, overwhelming knowledge, awesome communication possibilities, but all topped off with grief, plagues, horrors, evil and certain self-destruction because the Creator has either been eradicated from mainstream life, or pushed into corners of society and there degraded into a variety of persons or "somethings" that He is not.Mayer Bauer changed the name to "Rothschild" (meaning "red shield") for a reason not generally known. Yes, he had hung a red-shield sign/symbol above the door of his shop while still a poor/common family man, but what did it mean? Apparently, the protection and/or advancement of something red...and I don't think it had anything to do with red potatoes. Probably a red people. It just so happens that he was an Ashkenazi Jew, and that Ashkenaz was a region in Magog where the so-called "red Jews" of Khazaria had ruled an empire on the north shores of the Black and Caspian seas. Several voices are now proclaiming that the Rothschilds, and most other Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from the Khazars.While the Jews of Khazaria had been the small minority among both Christian and Muslim citizens, they ruled the empire absolutely; it had been the law of the land that only Jews could rule! There were two kings, an invisible one called a "khagan," and a visible one called a "beg." Interesting, isn't it, that the invisible Rothschilds are now a few Jews ruling the world.

That very first line sounds like RedJohn to me. Anwway I read somewhere that the pigeon may be a symbol that Red John is feeding his minions which might mean he is grooming one of them..for what I don't know. A take over maybe. 

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