Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Savour these last 15 or so episodes because The Mentalist won't be coming back for another season I'm sure of it...The ratings will go way down after the next episode.
I have a really bad feeling about it, I don't know who will still care about the FBI and this new guy Abbott. I don't give a damn about them.

Yes, I care about Patrick Jane so I will check it out because of him but I'm absolutely not excited about the show anymore. I think there are millions of fans who feel the same way.
I'm always going to remember the first 5 seasons, they were great, but I'd rather forget this rushed 6th one.

I know a lot of people already said it, but I find it sad and funny at the same time, that the fake Red John was a thousand times better than the real Red John..They really messed everything up!

And stop saying we are 'hating' on the show! This is just a lot of people's opinion and it's ridiculous to say that we are haters! People can have opinions that are not the same as yours!

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My message to people who still make theories about Partridge.


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I know dissapointment spreads through out and you feel this is the end and I'm sorry to say I feel the same way.

But don't you think this would have been a better script:

Jane is on his way to the church to meet bertram, but Jane pays a young boy to go in there in a hood and tell them that Jane sent him and he was going to pass on the message.

A Bertram is furious is orders Oscar to shoot him, but just as Oscar raises his gone he gets shot in the heart and then bertram right after… both collapse and are dead.

All we then see is a random man walk out of the front of the church but standing in the shadows and we can't see his face. Then he says in red johns famous soft and mellow creepy voice "Patrick come out, the games over and I won" 

But out of no where someone grabs RJ from behind and then all we hear is Janes voice and he says "Do you know who I am" with a gun pointed to RJ'S head. (RJ did this to Jane and Jane is doing it back to him)

He then pulls RJ out and we see Mcallister looking helpless and at the same time almost delusional and laughing almost mad. Then Jane says "Your work is that of a demented sexually perverted psychopath , but I knew this day would come and it has, so say your last words and repent" 



and he shoots RJ in both legs and he collapses then jane takes a knife out of RJ'S OWN POCKET and says "The list was simple for you to get, because I wanted you to have it, because you see I was always a step ahead of you because you see once you got hold of the list you knew I was getting close because you were on the list and you would want to kill me before I got to you and I loured you in"

Jane says I spent my whole life making mistakes but I'm sure this one is for the greater good and he stabs RJ.


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You know once Jane has started his new life/love running along the beach all estatic that he will make new friends and in the last ever episode he will walk in to find the big red smiley face and the camera will cut to his face (which will have a rised smirked etched on it) and the credits will roll.

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Get a life guys, Bruno Heller doesn't care, he's a millionaire.
Find a new show to obsess about, Red John's dead.

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Is that a pigeon in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

I think the creators of this website should change the name of this site to
"Bruno sucks balls". The reveal of Red John is one of the biggest jokes of tv history
perhaps only ranking second to the whole season Dallas that was chalked up to being
just a dream in order to resurrect Bobby Ewing. Lets face it folks we were all duped
and duped good by the Mentalist. I guess thats rather fitting since the Mentalist
Patrick Jane makes a living off duping the suspects on a weekly basis. I
should have followed my gut and realized the whole Red John identity was a
complete farce. Simon Baker produced the original voice for Red John so
that is concrete proof right there that Heller didnt have a clue who Red John
was himself. Heller admitted in an interview that he didnt decide on who Red John
was until the "last couple of years". I think thats BS, I think in fact he didnt "decide"
on the identity of RJ until last year. Years and years of red herrings, false clues and a
show built on a house of cards.

What I think is the absolute biggest joke is Hellers comment that the audience isn't interested
in having RJ explained-doesn't make for good tv-just internet fodder. Heller is so full of BS. All
that is, is a cover up for the fact that he totally effed up what could have been one if the greatest
shows of the decade. Instead it will be known as one of the greatest rip -offs of tv history. Face it
people, RJ died in one of the most embarrassing episode one could ask for. The dubbed in voice
was one of the most intellectually insulting jabs I e ever experienced as a tv viewer. Really Bruno?
You think your viewer base is a bunch of 4 year olds who are impressed by cheap, cheesy tricks? Even
my 14 year old daughter was so completely disgusted at the RJ reveal that she vowed at the end of it to
never watch another episode again. Pretty sad Bruno when a 14 year old can see right through your pathetic
attempts at pulling the wool over our eyes. What does Heller care? The lying twit is laughing all the way to the bank.
Lets all pretend we are a visualize cult member and repeat together as one......I will NEVER trust Bruno Heller ever again.......I will never trust Bruno Heller ever again.....I will never trust Bruno Heller ever again........................
RIP Brett Stiles

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Let me say first that I do NOT necessarily think that Bret Stiles is Red John; I just think that he is one of the only characters, or perhaps THE only character, who is as intelligent as Patrick Jane, which I am sure that most of us assumed to be one of Red John's traits. The traits of a man and his nemesis, though not always equal, perfectly balance the others'. Sheriff McAllister can not even come close to being comparable to Jane, nor comparable to the picture of Red John that has been painted for us over these years.

(A brief side-note: Stiles may not be dead as presumed; after all, McAllister wasn't.)

I am upset and appalled and utterly disappointed by this most recent episode, as most of you are. Perhaps I am not saying anything that hasn't already been said, but I will give my two cents anyway. I am in denial. I refuse to accept that the Red John Saga could possibly end this way. S06E08 absolutely MUST be a hoax. 

The end to this is something which should COMPLETELY BLOW OUR MINDS!! Like in Fight Club, when The Narrator realizes that he is Tyler Durden... something you did not anticipate, but which makes PERFECT sense, in retrospect.

Why, of ALL Mentalist episodes, was THIS particular one accidentally "leaked"?

There are so many unanswered questions (there was a GREAT list posted a few days ago, but I cannot find it) which can in NO WAY be tied to McAllister; he is an insignificant character who has had little to no effect on the show or on the character of Patrick Jane. Even when he was revealed last season as one of Jane's suspects, I was so confused. There are a lot of characters who make good Red John suspects; if I had made a list of character who I thought were NOT Red John, McAllister would have been on that list, assuming I would have even remembered who he was before the end of last season. He wasn't just a bad choice to be Red John... he was the WORST choice.

I am going to state now that I believe that S06E08 is a hoax, as well as the promo for S06E09.

Here are some viable suspects (not from Jane's list) and my take on them. They are just summaries, and I will give both pros and cons:

1) Patrick Jane: This made a lot of sense for a long time, but I have begun to think otherwise, mostly because of the conversation in the limo, and Lorelei's reaction to Red John's words. I had thought for a long time that Jane is Red John but does not know it, because of his psychosis, and that Jane's interactions with Red John were mental fabrications, visual and aural hallucinations. (For example, maybe his encounter with Timothy Carter was just a delusion. After all, a link between Carter and Red John was never established; the whole idea was just abandoned)

2) CBI Ron: He would be the perfect fit for Red John. Though he is always there, he is an undeveloped character; we know absolutely nothing about him, so we can NOT logically deduce that he is NOT Red John (sorry for the double negative). Why has he remained on the show for so long if he holds no significance? The only issue, however, is that simple fact; if they decide to develop his character this season, it will become obvious to the viewers, and the only way this should be done is for us to find out when Jane finds out.

3) Bertram:  Is he dead? Just because we saw him get shot doesn't mean that he is dead, nor that he actually got shot. Why did Cordero even shoot him? There was no purpose. It could have been a ruse, which went awry after Jane unexpectedly shot Cordero. Bertram is an excellent choice for Red John in many respects. However, he was always a follower trying to be a leader, hoping people don't see him for the empty-suited bureaucrat he is.

4) Someone in Lisbon's unit: Any of them is a possibility, though I think Grace is the most unlikely. Perhaps Rigsby's dimwittedness is just a front? (He HAD to know that he was giving up Jane's location to Abbott.) Cho is still very mysterious, and Lisbon is someone, the only one really, who could know Jane's movements at all times. And what better choice than the only person he loves and trusts? However, we see that Lisbon does really love him; Cho is too noble; Rigsby is too dopey to be faking it.

5) Stiles: Sorry, I have to pose this, even though he is on Jane's list. Furthermore, I think he is the ONLY one on the list that could possibly be Red John. Intelligence. Charisma. Power. Influence. Affluence. Stiles is far too smart and far too important to be killed in so random an act of violence. I love Visualize episodes, almost as much as Red John episodes. Red John is connected somehow to Visualize. But perhaps Stiles was meant to be so obviously possible that it simply cannot be him.

Oh well. We will see on Sunday. Will Jane really be strolling on the beach and dancing with children? Check out the promo on YouTube... it is so ridiculous. The only thing more stupid than S06E08 is that promo. I think that if you could compress the 42 minutes of stupidity of S06E08 into 30 seconds, you would get that promo.

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