Who is Red John?

Theories of revygirl (2)

Is that a pigeon in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

I think the creators of this website should change the name of this site to
"Bruno sucks balls". The reveal of Red John is one of the biggest jokes of tv history
perhaps only ranking second to the whole season Dallas that was chalked up to being
just a dream in order to resurrect Bobby Ewing. Lets face it folks we were all duped
and duped good by the Mentalist. I guess thats rather fitting since the Mentalist
Patrick Jane makes a living off duping the suspects on a weekly basis. I
should have followed my gut and realized the whole Red John identity was a
complete farce. Simon Baker produced the original voice for Red John so
that is concrete proof right there that Heller didnt have a clue who Red John
was himself. Heller admitted in an interview that he didnt decide on who Red John
was until the "last couple of years". I think thats BS, I think in fact he didnt "decide"
on the identity of RJ until last year. Years and years of red herrings, false clues and a
show built on a house of cards.

What I think is the absolute biggest joke is Hellers comment that the audience isn't interested
in having RJ explained-doesn't make for good tv-just internet fodder. Heller is so full of BS. All
that is, is a cover up for the fact that he totally effed up what could have been one if the greatest
shows of the decade. Instead it will be known as one of the greatest rip -offs of tv history. Face it
people, RJ died in one of the most embarrassing episode one could ask for. The dubbed in voice
was one of the most intellectually insulting jabs I e ever experienced as a tv viewer. Really Bruno?
You think your viewer base is a bunch of 4 year olds who are impressed by cheap, cheesy tricks? Even
my 14 year old daughter was so completely disgusted at the RJ reveal that she vowed at the end of it to
never watch another episode again. Pretty sad Bruno when a 14 year old can see right through your pathetic
attempts at pulling the wool over our eyes. What does Heller care? The lying twit is laughing all the way to the bank.
Lets all pretend we are a visualize cult member and repeat together as one......I will NEVER trust Bruno Heller ever again.......I will never trust Bruno Heller ever again.....I will never trust Bruno Heller ever again........................
RIP Brett Stiles

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Red John......aka Amos Van Pelt?
So the producer Bruno Heller has said that RJ will be one of the individuals on PJ's list.  What if the list that PJ shared with Lisbon was another fake just like the one Kirkland got a hold of?  Is there another secret list that the audience has not yet been made aware of?  This would make sense as the last time PJ included Lisbon on his plan to "play" RJ, it got back to RJ through the CBI and PJ confirmed there was indeed a mole inside the CBI.  PJ is not the type of man to make the same mistake twice.  PJ knows that in order for him to finally catch RJ, he's going to need to feed the moles/pigeons as much false info as possible in order to throw RJ off of his track.  Not to mention the fact that the biggest telltale giveaway that the list is not legit is the fact that PJ hasn't taken voice recordings of the seven to Rosalind Harker to identify which one is RJ (this would be a huge oversight on PJ's part which just does not seem plausible).  The Mentalist is one of the smartest shows out there and there have been many clues given to RJ's identity over the seasons as well as many red herrings thrown in for good measure.  A good investigator can separate the red herrings from that information that is truly important. 
So what is one of the most important clues that sticks out like a sore thumb on the Mentalist?  I would have to say that would be the mystery shrouding Grace Van Pelt and her past.  All of the other main characters have had at least one episode dedicated to exploring their past and what made them each the person they are today......everyone that is except Grace.  We know very little about GVP.  We do know her father Amos Van Pelt was a football coach and has a cousin who is a psychic and that her sister died ("Throwing Fire" episode) , likely committing suicide (even though she denied this, it was apparent it was true).  In the "Bloodshot" episode, Jane makes a remark to GVP stating "you're deeply repressed and emotionally shut down....because of a trauma in your past that you've never spoken of to anyone....not even yourself".  That's an extremely strong statement from PJ, a statement that is obviously going to brought to light very soon. 
I think one of the most interesting episodes providing clues pointing to the fact that Amos Van Pelt is RJ is the episode "Red Rum".  This episode is about a father who murders his football playing son.  One of the most interesting things that stuck out in my mind from this episode was the football locker room which displayed a large "Tiger" banner in the background as well as cherry (blood?) red lockers.  Where in the world have you ever seen cherry red lockers in a boys football locker room?  Not to mention the fact that GVP had more then a minor "hate-on" for the football coach.  Interesting that the "father" in this episode turned out to be the murderer.  We have seen much in the last few episodes regarding the developing importance of pigeons relating to RJ.  Pigeons are almost interchangeable with "doves".  In the new testament a dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit.  In the old testament its the only bird which could be offered as a "sacrifice".  It is interesting to note that the name of the witch in the "Red Rum" episode is "Tamzin Dove".  The "Red Rum" episode involved witchery as well as Satanic practices and sacrifices.  Most interestingly perhaps, is the title of the episode itself-"Red Rum"-murder spelled backwards as well as also being a synonym for "blood".  A common term-"Red Rum is what was wrote in the wall in blood at the murder scene".  Sound familiar-like RJ's trademark and what about the "He is Mar/Man?" written on the murder scene wall of the "Red John's friends" episode.  Which again leads us back to the possible "football" connection"  I do think that Red John wrote this on the wall after he committed the murder and I do think he was giving a "hidden" clue to PJ re his identity (giving the dog a bone).  "The Heisman trophy" is likely a trophy that AVP won in his earlier years as a football player" .  That would explain the way the clue was written-"He is mar".  After all, RJ couldn't make it too easy for PJ to figure out could he?  Iowa (where GVP supposedly hails from) also has a collegiate football team called the "Tigers".

It is also interesting to note that the subject of conversation that lit the initial spark between Craig O'Laughlin and Grace Van Pelt  ("The blood on his hands" episode) was the subject of her football coach father AVP.  Also interesting that the murder victim in this episode had a "V" (or 3 point?) tattoo signifying she was a Visualize member.  This could have been a foretelling/prelude of what was to come in last week's episode.

These are just a few of my observations that has led me to believe that AVP is Red John.  As PJ's admitted "fake" list of suspects, I believe that his proclaimed "real" list of 7 are subjects whom are all scumbags of one sort or another and PJ wouldn't lose any sleep over any of their demise.  Some are obviously RJ accomplices, some are not but are pretty twisted and sadistic (Kirkland) and some may be other serial killers themselves (Partridge?).  It would appear that based on the murder scene where Partridge was found, he was into some sort of devil worship. 
Bringing us back to "The Desert Rose" episode.  RJ didn't kill Lisbon for a reason.  I think it is because she is a good friend of GVP and despite the fact he is a cold blooded killer, he loves and is protective over GVP.  Kristina Frye is another woman GVP liked and she was also spared her life by RJ (albeit she wasn't left with much of a life).  I think that Kristina may be a relative of Grace (unknowingly) or RJ and that may be why her life was spared as well.  Who knows, maybe Kristina is actually Grace's Mother? (same red hair).  There was a reason she was kept alive therefore I think she still has a role to play out in this series.  

The meaning of the biblical name "Amos" is a prophet and shepherd.  RJ is the epitome of a shepherd-gathering his flock of disciples and leading them in the direction he wants them to go.  Do I think GVP knows or is a willing accomplice to her father?  No I don't.  I think AVP was responsible for his other daughter's (Grace's sister) suicide.  Perhaps she found out he was a serial killer and took her own life.  Perhaps GVP either knows this or has repressed memories where she knows her father is evil but doesn't know why.  I find it a quite strange that GVP dreamt of her "fairytale" wedding but made no mention of inviting her father to the nuptials (what girl doesn't want her Father at her wedding?) What about Grace's Mother?  Does she have something to do with the fact that RJ primarily likes to kill women?  Was GVP's Mother cheating on AVP and did he murder her?  Is this why he started his killing spree against women?  I think that AVP does have a power over GVP and I do think he has been extracting important information from her (unwittingly).  The first time RJ contacted PJ was through GVP who was at the helm of the CBI computer at the time.

It can't be merely coincidence that Grace and Rigsby are leaving the show for at least a season after this year.  This would make sense that if AVP is indeed RJ, Grace and Rigsby would likely need to leave CBI for a period of time after RJ is caught (if they do indeed survive-which I think and hope they will). 

I think the most important clue of the series is PJ's statement "RJ doesn't leave clues.  If you have new evidence, it's because he want's you to have it.  The question isn't "What does it mean"; it's "Why did he give it to you?'.  I think RJ leaves clues to both taunt and attempt to lead PJ astray, depending on how close he thinks he is to being caught.  I think that it's very possible he had one of his accomplices such as Ray Haffner go to the psychiatric session with PJ's psychiatrist and her evaluation was based on Haffner not RJ and RJ was perfectly aware of the audio recording in her drawer (RJ wanted PJ to find that recording).  I think the only clue that PJ has received that wasn't intended by RJ was the tattoo clue given by the  blond P.I. on the last episode.  PJ is now closing in on RJ and he that is why PJ got an actual non set-up clue to RJ's identity.

There is much more such as the fact that I believe PJ met and shook hands with RJ prior to his wife and daughter's murder.  I am guessing was likely during one of PJ's evangelical "scamming" sessions.  I think Brett Stiles is likely a long term friend, brother or even father of RJ and that is why he knows so much about RJ yet is rather indifferent to him and his crimes.  I do definitely think Brett will be the last man standing of the list of 7 (after all, he is the absolutely brilliant Malcolm McDowell).  The prenom Van as is "Van Pelt" is also known as a "wealthy" name which supports the fact that RJ is a wealthy and powerful man much like Stiles.

It will be very interesting to see what the next several weeks bring on my favorite show-The Mentalist!


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