Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


Well, I think enough people agreed with my last post, so I'm going to try to get a conversation going.

What was your favorite RJ-related scene/moment? Mine was in Blinking Red Light when Jane set up Panzer to insult RJ and then RJ killed Panzer. It was cool seeing Jane and RJ work together, even if it was indirectly. 

Let me know if you agree or disagree. And if you disagree, please comment and let me know your thoughts! Thank you!

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Since the The Mentalist is over and there will be no more theories about Red John, I was thinking that site can be turned into a general Mentalist forum with an emphasis on Red John. And not just theories about who he is, but discussions on favorite scenes, what happened to Kristina Frye, what his intentions toward Jane were, etc. 
Please let me know whether you agree or disagree by clicking the green or red button.
Thank you!

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Why'd it have to end this way? 
I'm going to miss this website once the theories end ;(

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Remember, despite being pressured by CBS and Warner Brothers to wrap up the saga prematurely, it was Bruno Heller who decided to lay down meaningless 'clues' and acted, in the truest sense of the word, coy in front of the camera when queried about the identity of Red John so as to give the impression that he did not merely pluck Red John's name out of a hat at the last possible moment, when he did. In fact, as one user on here pointed out, he went so far as to make the script of 6x08 applicable to any character in the entire fucking show, because the "details are meaningless", only to end the series in the most lackluster, uninspired way imaginable.

It is quite clear from the very first episode, that first letter Red John posted on Jane's bedroom door was Heller's own subconscious mental projection. Heller is the "dishonest little worm". Heller is the "Money-grubbing fraud". Heller is the Red John to his own series, having killed it off in record time following a staggering series of poor choices that were bound to catch up to him eventually, yet he still has a smile on his face. And now The Mentalist is officially over.

Let's really put this into perspective:

If you can't keep a show on the air that maintains upwards of 8 to 10 million viewers per episode, making so much money on a yearly basis that you can drop THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS for Simon Baker, acclaimed to be the highest paid actor on TV, something is very wrong.

I wish Baker had more pull on the matter. He could
smell Heller's bullshit from miles away. During interviews around the time Red John was 'revealed', he was clearly not pleased
with how it was handled.

They say sunlight is the best disinfectant, but even after shedding
light on these underhanded scheming practices, I still feel ravaged from head to toe
by the virulent disease that is Heller's
sheer idiocy.

For this, Bruno Heller I confer to you, and only you, a warm, heartfelt, resounding:

Fuck. You.

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I think Thomas McAllister was a very plausible Red John. I know not many will agree but yes Red John is described as a showman but he is also careful and clever. Everyone thinks that Jane and McAllister were nothing a like but I disagree. First off we didn't get to see McAllister enough  to tell if he was a lot like jane. But from what we did see at least what I saw there were a lot alike. Just look at Wedding In Red (6x3) Watch them both examine the body watch how McAllister points out things Jane missed but he is very careful about doing it as not to raise any red flags. (sorry for the red pun lol). I don't think it's too far fetched that he was RJ. ok that all I got to say now you can all tell me I'm wrong or not a true fan but I really I'm a fan of the show have been from the beginning and I think we would have been disappointed no matter who RJ turned out to be. He became this God like thing that was unstoppable for 6 years no one can live up to that.

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Theory #18815 • By SmileyFaceInTheWall
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... And behold, Patrick finds his nemesis, right in front, in a beautiful garden, with a creepy smile on his face, and at the same time with a serenity that leaves a little under the weather patrick

"Hello, Patrick. How long, do you? I hope you're not surprised, that would be disappointing."

"...... How is this possible?" Patrick says, with a face who seems to be in shock.

After minutes and minutes of explanation of what really happened until that fateful 6x08, Red John tells how defeated his "old friend" until patrick reveals that the time the game was on his checkmated.

"I've been waiting for this moment since he sent me McAllister, his temporary stand-in"

Patrick pulls out his gun and shoots RJ. Rj falls slowly.

"You may have won Red John, but can never overcome death."

Red John dies. Prelude in C Major starts playing.

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