Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


Yea, Yea... Kirkland was a good choice for RJ, and so is first CBI chief, Minelli (sp?), but I truly think that RJ is best suited for a split personality serial killer type dude like Rigsby. I personally think that it would be cool, very cool. 
I understand that McAlister was played by a good actor, an actor I consider one of my favs, but the sheriff just didn't work for me, and I think for a lot of other peeps. Most of us are even wondering if Gotham will be dropped on its ass in similar fashion, I mean... who hires the Fresh Prince's wife for a criminal anyways??? Seriously?
Also, Bertrand was a good choice, a bit to old school, but at least he would have made a good character because of the direct influence over CBI agents. AND, let us not forget the Head Cheese of Visualize. One cannot go wrong with Brett Stiles/Caligula as a serial killer. 
Soooo many possibilities, so many other viable options left out to the elements, and we are left with cowboy boot wearing, sheriff McAlister, WTF?
I just want to say, this new jack-booted FBI circle jerk is boring and depressing. Witches says that the last episode is named "white tulips", well I know where Heller can plant his white two lips. Im fucking depressed... Why not make Cho, the literary "chinaman", RJ, and send my over a cliff? 

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Hi everyone, 
In response to the theory below me, on the point of why Rigsby and Van Pelt will come in the final episode.......................... it's pretty obvious that they are invited to Jane and Lisbon's wedding         (*tries to not choke with disgust while typing*).  The name of the last episode is "White Tulips" , put two and two together and it's obviously a setting for a finale wedding. And Rigsby doesn't have what it takes to pull off what Red John did anyway, so your theory is wrong nonetheless.

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Keeping with the current theme of the board today....
For will the thrill.....

Red Rigsby

Rigsby and Van Pelt are in the last episode. I have two possible options as to why they are in the finale.
1-Rigsby was definitely a choice for Red John by the writers. The clues are immense and impossible to ignore. Whether they moved on from him being Rj is another question. But no doubt he was a choice.
-Rigsby is Derrick Logan. A troubled teen who was bound by black tape and humiliated by a popular girl in front of his whole class.

Logan later turned to drugs but joined Visualize and got clean. People thought he died.
He started killing only red haired women and of coarse Rj always uses black tape to bound his victims wrist just like he was in high school.
He killed women just like the high school girl who tormented him.

-Rigsbys dads episodes are tell tales of horror.
"Weakness is in the eyes boy" is Mr Rigsby's favorite line. Reminds me of the Rj smiley bleeding from the eyes.
Mr Rigsby pulls out a knife and it scares the shit out of Wayne even as an adult. He most likely saw that knife many times in childhood.
Its a small knife and exactly the type Rj uses to kill.
-We really don't know who killed Todd Johnson and set him aflame.
We assume Olaughlin did it but Rigsby was a suspect for a reason.
-The Bertram usb was definitely not Bertrams. No way he held BA incriminating evidence like that and just left it there. He had no idea it was there. Rigsby wanted Jane to crack the code and take down the Ba. Just like he did.
-the Haibach stuff is insane.
No clue or proof that Haibach tapped all Cbi members, killed La Roche, Ardilles, or broke into Rigsby's house!
Haibach only captured Gvp when he learned he was a suspect.
Maybe someone paid Haibach to capture Gvp and let him know he was a suspect.
-Of coarse the 5 shots to the chest of Rigsby and him walking around like he is fine right after was so odd.
Something is up with that guy!

The way Jane took down the Ba seemed too easy for me.
This high powerful organization was taken down because they hired a random Pi to tap Cho's desk in broad daylight. Also Left her alive long enough to give Jane the tattoo clue.
Jane was given clues like breadcrumbs until Macalister was finally on his lap.
Seemed like someone was leading Jane to the Ba all these years.

2: Rigsby and Gvp are in the final episode for a Jisbon wedding....

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So which one did it ? Who murdered his wife ?
Jane: Does it matter ?
not Jane that i know .... WTF!

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True enough, Rigsby is in the last few episodes, and thus the world will know what kind of a creep fuck serial killer he can portray on screen. HarvyHammer is wise in suggesting the great red dragon from this proper educated actor, Owain Yeoman. 
Rigsby has:
Daddy issues===
Women issues===
Self esteem issues===
friend/social issues===
A hidden past of humiliation where he was stripped and photographed by fellow students===
profound out-of-character insight into the criminal mind shown to us on various occasions===
bizzare and unnatural respect for those that do not deserve respect.
One has to remember that Rigsby was questioned by LaRouche about the guy set on fire in the jail cell. No one ever confirmed it was Van Pelt's FBI football hero boyfriend. 
It's like this... Rigsby was a geek in school and was humiliated. He became a drug addict before joining Visualize (TV version of Scientology). Then, Rigsby becomes the great red dragon we all know as Red John and joins the bomb squad in San Diego and then later CBI where, coincidentally, Patrick Jane picks up his trail. The story from there is laid out before us. Red John is Rigsby, and Rigsby is merely the truth hidden in plain sight. No one makes fun of Red John, or they get dead! Think about it. 

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Just finished watching the Silver Briefcase on the CBS website.

Have to admit it was the best episode of season 7, but the fact I watched it on the CBS website is shows just how far this show has gone downhill for me.

There was a time I couldn't wait for The Mentalist to come on tv, now it's just meh, I'll catch it whenever there's time to kill during the week.

Honestly I don't care what happens now, the sooner the series ends, the better.

So why do I even watch it?  I guess it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, I already know nothing good can happen but I still can't look away.

I see from the comments, some people are still holding out for a coherent RJ wrap up.  That's ok, I really do understand your delusion, denial always comes before the first step to recovery. :-)

On a more merciful note, only a few more episodes left before we can all finally forget about what might have been and reluctantly accept the hidden pocket pigeon meets Lost reality of Heller.

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Any chance we ever get an answer to the whole vault, BA stuff?  So many things were not answered at all, you wonder why the scenes were even shot.  Still think Stiles will return, and we know Rigsby and Grace are in the last episodes, so I still have hope.  4-5 hours in 3 last episodes could wrap up a lot of questions in 6 weeks or so.  Would also be fine to see Madam Secretary and The Good Wife permanently preempted.

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