Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


The only hope for any of this to be decent is if the entire last episodes of Season 6 and all 13 episodes of Season 7 are a long con.  If the relationship is mostly a ruse to capture the real Red John or if Patrick himself is Red John then it will be worth it.  Mashburn, Minelli, or Partridge would all be excellent choices, or Stiles, if Grace is somehow involved.  The reason it won't happen is that Heller and Baker would have had to have the whole thing worked out before last season even started in order for all the pieces to fit.  Heller doesn't care about the show anymore.  Someone could see if CBS would give permission for a post-Mentalist book that gave a much better ending to the saga.   I have taped all the episodes this season but have only watched two.  I just cannot get into it like I was in Season 1-3 and even for parts of last season.  I thought it was going to tie back into the carnival and likely Patrick's dad, or at least have a sixth sense like reveal, but it didn't happen.  Expectations were too high, I guess.  There was really good writing and acting for more than 5 seasons, though.

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Guys, please allow me to explain what I feel about the show at the moment. 

First of all, I'm absolutely furious with Simon Baker and Robin Tunney. I read somewhere a long time ago that they feel awkward playing a couple in love. WTF?? This is their job, they get millions so: boo hoo, whether you feel awkward or not, just do it! It's your job. You are losing credibility as actors because your on screen romantic chemistry comes across as laughable and cringeworthy. Let me make a prediction, they will probably only kiss in the last episode of The Mentalist, and even that kiss will be like someone forced two random people to kiss. Pathetic, they are actors! Basically nothing has changed, they are still co workers who are friendly with each other, so what was the point of getting them together? 

I honestly think when this show is finished in a couple of months, Simon Baker can still save his career because most people wouldn't know the details of the crappy Mentalist ending. I don't want to be mean, but I didn't know Robin Tunney before and I doubt she will do anything meaningful after this show. 

I have to disagree with Stoopkid, this show is not great any more. Even if I've never watched it before and I joined now, I would think this show is an average, vanilla, "meh" show. Not good, not bad, just "meh", like Patrick Jane would say. Sad. The other day I watched series 4, episode 17 when Jane and agent Darcy go out of town and he confesses Red John is not dead yet. Those were amazing times, when everything seemed  possible! 

Thank you for listening. :)


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The Silver Briefcase was great imho. Flawless actually. Well, almost flawless. It only lacked a big red smiley face on a wall. Something that a few of us never stopped hoping for. I think that now is about the time to stop hoping.

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Wayne Rigsby is still Red John.------ GO BACK AND WATCH THE EPISODES WITH RIGSBY IN MIND. He is perfect.
Also, the actor, Owain Yeoman, is the only actor on the show that could actually pull off a great red dragon (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art graduate). Keep in mind that Rigsby is all too eager to jump on people from second story buildings -- a true measure of an RJ trying to compensate for being acrophobic -- motivated only by a love for Grace. -----------------------Just look at the Rigsby's moments that are calm and reserved, that is, when Rigsby talks as a real person and not a drone in the CBI machine. He is a creepy muther fucker, and if the writers would only show Rigsby down in that red barn, we would have a wonderfully mind-bending end to the series.--------------------------- By-the-way, Bruno Heller is the only serial killer true fans know of to date. May Heller drag his tongue across my sweaty asshole. Happy Holidays! 

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Hey guys, first poster here, I've just successfully watched all full 6 seasons of The Mentalists over the last 2 months, and I must say, there is no better plot line when it comes to a TV show. Now, concerning Red John, Bruno Heller missed out on jackpot by not going with Virgil Minelli as Red John, I mean, it would of been perfect. Here are my two reasons, you might not think they are key, but I really thought the were.1. I believe in the ending of season 1, Patrick located an old house that Red John used (I might be wrong, if so, I apologise) One camera shit located a guy next door to where Patrick was (I presume this was Red John) know in that camera shot, it clearly showed a guy sitting, with a cup of tea/coffee on the table... now correct me if I'm wrong, but Virgil nearly always had a cup of tea/coffee on him. Also, in that scene, the guy who we don't see is wearing a suit, Virgil also always wears a suit, something that Sheriff John never wore.2. The last time we ever saw Virgil before Red John was revealed was in an episode when Patrick needed his help regarding Red John. Now, lets think about this, over the last 6 episodes did Patrick ever asked anyone for help regarding Red John apart from that moment? He never asked the gang (Lisbon, Rigsby, Van Pelt, Cho) even! Yes, he did ask the occasional help from LaRoche, but that was only to see, and investigate, if LaRoche was Red John himself, which turned out not to be the case. Lastly, anyone remember the last ever scene we saw of Virgil Minelli before Red John was revealed? He offered Virgil the chance to have a drink with a woman!? Look at his reaction, Virgil was overjoyed with excitement.... did he kill the woman or not, I guess we will never know...

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Episode 5 "The Silver Briefcase" is already released. Link below, no download needed.


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The Mentalist Season One for 9 Euros at iTunes - but after this ending I just can't convince myself to invest. Even if this would still be one of the best episodes around. Thx Bruno.

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