Who is Red John?

Theory #9590 • by DaLilSolja


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


The article pretty much told us who Red John is so it really can't be misunderstood in my opinion. It doesn't spell it out but it's close to it. I'm not going to give anything away but it's not so bad it could have been worse I guess. Still hopefully he can do him justice. I still had my preference though. I don't think they post the spoilers in the articles in TV GUIDE. The temptation is just too much. I haven't seen the last episode but from everyone's comments it seems that it is obvious who RJ is, when this really shouldn't be the case, we should still be left guessing until the very end.

I don't think it's all gonna add up but we'll wait and see.

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