Who is Red John?

Theory #8575 • by MuratYILMAZ


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Hi all,
I started watch The Mentalist one month ago (today is 11.03.2013) and I am at season 5 episode 8.

Red John had appeared on 2nd season episode 8 (His Red Right Hand) to us. Since that episode I was trying to find RJ's reappeared scenes. But I failed yet.

On S2E8, it is very clear that Rebecca loves and admires Red John. Before she died, she smiled the person who put poison on her hand. She smiled, when she saw that man, like someone may had when saw her/his love or who saw the person her/his admires. Not anyone else she/he knows.

So, it is not a very clear clue but this is the trick when the "mentalism" take role. A "mentalist" can understands meaning of that smile. Of course not all of the viewers are a mentalist so Rebecca help us to reveal this with very distinct and bright smile.

The man who put poison on her hand, wore a blue high collar tshirt under his uniform. It is clearly appeared on that scene for just in a second. Please play that scene frame by frame, It is impossible to miss.

Now lets return to the press release of Minelli about Sam Bosco and his team. The camera reaches press release from Minelli's back. On that scene there is a brown van stands on right behind Minelli. 
And there is two cops in uniform with hats each side of Minelli and a swat guy stands behind him.

Right after that scene, when we see Minelli in front of him, there is a policeman appeared on his right shoulder, who wears blue high collar tshirt under his uniform.

Take a look again. Where did brown van go? Apparently there are police motorcycles with RJ and his coleague, but when camera angle changed to behind of Minelli van re-appears.

It is a shooting mistake or not. Clearly the scene that we can see Minelli's face designed to show us that blue high collar policeman.

Here ladies and gentlemen we already met with RJ.

He is a policeman who works at CBI. Of course he is humble, takes his places lower level of organisation, not on the surface. Well played RJ.

To RJ:
I dont know who you are yet but I have your portrayal. If PJ had this info, you already doomed man. Here a smiley for you :)

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