After to read this web during last 3 days, I will try to put here the best questions which I found, which I believe any theory needs to answer:
1. Question 1: why Lisbon was driving slowly to the PI house?
Which interest can have Lisbon in the dead of this woman. Is she part of Tyger Tyger? Why the Microphone on CHO?
2. Why repeatetdly we have seen Poker Games with Lisbon, Bertram...etc? Which interest or connection has to the show?
3. It is really Lorelei death? if not, can be explain easily the list anticipation by RJ.
4. Why RJ never killed the Blind Woman?
5. Why Patrick Jane approaches CBI to find RJ?
Perhaps more question are important, it is just a feeling to share.
But the Micro on CHO, for me is that for TygerTyger organisation, CHO is a suspect to be RJ.