Who is Red John?

Theories of RedPelt (11)

Theory #9465 • By RedPelt
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I think red john is not inside the list. The full show is about Jane's tricks. He is doing all this to can get to redjohn. The explosion at Jane's house is a trick, the shot is a trick, and we will be all of us suprise I guess in the next chapters.

Is it too simple that Patrick get to red john by this list. 

The final trick should be "amazing" otherwise, the show will be a disaster after 6 years.

RJ should be an amaing surprise for everybody, that my point.

I still thinking that somebody inside the team will have something.
My bets are on CHO and / or Lisbon.


why always, during the 6 years, Lisbon has a cross into his neck showing to everybody?


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Theory #9428 • By RedPelt
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Just one note:

In the bible alphabet red john is 444, wayne rigsby is 888. Both, famous patterns, in the middle just 666.


Perhaps is nothing, but with all references to the apocalipsis and the red dragon... I do not know. 

Just for fun.


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Theory #8210 • By RedPelt
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After to read this web during last 3 days, I will try to put here the best questions which I found, which I believe any theory needs to answer:

1. Question 1: why Lisbon was driving slowly to the PI house?
Which interest can have Lisbon in the dead of this woman. Is she part of Tyger Tyger? Why the Microphone on CHO?

2. Why repeatetdly we have seen Poker Games with Lisbon, Bertram...etc? Which interest or connection has to the show?

3. It is really Lorelei death? if not, can be explain easily the list anticipation by RJ.

4. Why RJ never killed the Blind Woman?

5. Why Patrick Jane approaches CBI to find RJ?

Perhaps more question are important, it is just a feeling to share.

But the Micro on CHO, for me is that for TygerTyger organisation, CHO is a suspect to be RJ.


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Theory #8174 • By RedPelt
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Just a point: everybody is asking how RJ could know the list even before than PJ...that is the clue all about: Lorelei is not dead.


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Theory #8113 • By RedPelt
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here is a nice theory on youtube. Is not mine.



By the way, Teresa is my suspect.

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Theory #8078 • By RedPelt
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The sneak peek os 6x6 shows the meeting with all listed suspects in a room. Then a explosion and a sentence of Patrick saying: no one is living.

That, is a complete trick of Patrick to cacht Red John, and red john is: Lisbon.

We will see...

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Hello Guys,

I am in the theory side that CHO is red John, but I am not writing today to proove my theory.

I want to make a point:
the 2 more suspected guys in all bets on the world during the 6 seasons to be RJ were Kirkland and Partridge, and there are exactly the first 2 guys to be dead, killed.

With that, the writters are telling us: you are completely wrong, and we have manipulated you ( followers) with bad clues.

To finish the show, and to be the writters honored like Breaking Bad final by the followers and not destroyed like Lost happy ending :) the history has to make a final tricky ending.

that is all about in this show, like a magician: to move to attention to another side as it has been done with Brett P.

When ´´RJ´´ saved PJ from the copycats, it was clear the voice of Brett, so my assumption is that RJ did not save PJ that day.

At the end, this final is being day by day Epic, and I can imagine that the writters wants to finish with a big trick and also to answer all open questions, to aviod a massive criticism by the followers. After recent ending of worldwide famous series, I am sure they do not want to disapoint.


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