Who is Red John?

Theory #8011 • by RedPelt


Kimball Cho

Kimball Cho
Suspected in 93 theories


Hello Guys,

I am in the theory side that CHO is red John, but I am not writing today to proove my theory.

I want to make a point:
the 2 more suspected guys in all bets on the world during the 6 seasons to be RJ were Kirkland and Partridge, and there are exactly the first 2 guys to be dead, killed.

With that, the writters are telling us: you are completely wrong, and we have manipulated you ( followers) with bad clues.

To finish the show, and to be the writters honored like Breaking Bad final by the followers and not destroyed like Lost happy ending :) the history has to make a final tricky ending.

that is all about in this show, like a magician: to move to attention to another side as it has been done with Brett P.

When ´´RJ´´ saved PJ from the copycats, it was clear the voice of Brett, so my assumption is that RJ did not save PJ that day.

At the end, this final is being day by day Epic, and I can imagine that the writters wants to finish with a big trick and also to answer all open questions, to aviod a massive criticism by the followers. After recent ending of worldwide famous series, I am sure they do not want to disapoint.


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