Who is Red John?

Theory #7900 • by DaLilSolja


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


I am just going to make this clear again so people can explain to me how the TT are separate from RJ. 
It was RJ that said he was going to kill until the list went down and either him or PJ is killed by one another. That means that Partridge on the list and Kirkland on the list too, had to be killed by Red John. Which means that Partridge and Kirkland were killed by the TT which belongs to Red JOHN. He owns the TT's. Otherwise RJ would have killed noone. They aren't two different things. They have to be the same thing. 
So we can assume that RJ uses the members of the TT's and doesn't mind killing them. We knew that already from Jane's analysis of his personality. Did he order the killing of Kirkland, or did Reede because he knew too much. Does that mean that the Sheriff, Reede and Bertram are all apart of the TT's. Bertram is ruled out as RJ as he is not a strong leader. however he did tell Jane that maybe he should speak to him alone about Red John.  The sheriff didn't have much to say either and his presence wasn't really made know. Reede could be red John but it's more likely that he is a follower of TT along with the other three. That leaves Stiles and Haffner seen walking side by side in most shots. Haffner is my bet.

Why was RJ going to kill the PI, did he speak to her and she told him that it didn't work. Wouldn't he have wanted to wait until she passed on the info or did he know straight away that the bug didn't work? How did he know it didn't work?

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