Who is Red John?

Theory #7842 • by Redjohn45


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Haffner likes to appear as if he's someone important, a kind of a tough guy full of himself  -- and yet turns out he's afraid of a little spider.   BUT that doesn't mean that Red John is ARACHNOPHOBIC [because Haffner is probably not Red John]

McAllister walks rooftops, shoots anything with a face -- and yet flinches when a bird suddenly flies by --- AND that doesn't mean RJ is ORNITHOPHOBIC either [because McAllister is likely not Red John either]

Anything POINTED out to us [instead of revealed in a way that makes sense to the story] is probably not important as a clue, but more something we can use in process of elimination

        AND --- NICK NORDELLA, who is apparently playing the younger version of "someone" coming up [supposedly Haffner or McAllister] -- is ALSO being POINTED OUT to us.  

SO, the FACT that we KNOW this information already -- and we haven't even seen the episode?  HE'S NOT RJ.  But more likely, he knows him or comes across him somehow.   

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