Who is Red John?

Theory #7656 • by DaLilSolja


Teresa Lisbon

Teresa Lisbon
Suspected in 154 theories


Okay, so it's not likely but this has to be discussed anyway. It seems to me that all the suspects are playing with pj, they know he knows shout the phobias. What if, Jane gave the list to Lisbon because she is red John or involved. She is the only one who saw the dvd too, which could have been staged by pj. What if the whole getting the suspects into one room is staged by pj because Lisbon is the orally the only one that is on her way. I know it's doubtful, but everything should be discussed, every avenue explored. She has been there from the beginning and she would be the one you would not have guessed.

It's just food for thought. There is something not right about pj telling her about the list.

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