Who is Red John?

Theory #7131 • by loveagoodstory


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Ok now all of you just stop! lets reveal some facts...

RJ is not an organisation. The tyger tyger group is a group of RJ's friends. Robert Kirkland knew of the password because his brother joined the organisation and has probably told Robert about the password. Reede Smith must be on a very high level in the organisation, he must know all the members and thats just the reason he didn't respond to Kirkland's tyger tyger. The only explanation ''Robert'' didn't ask the guy who killed in hospital who is Red John is because that wasn't Robert, it was his twin brother, who works with Red John and the reason why he asked him if he recodnises him is because they know each other but he looked different before, and now he was trying to look like Robert in the hospital, and the answer no is the prove that he has changed that much, that even his friends don't recodnise him. But the organisation doesn't kill people RJ wants to kill they just cover up for RJ that is what makes RJ so hard to find. 

RJ is a single person, fits Rosaline's descriptions, middle age, under 6 ft tall but here is the thing why dont they just record the sound of suspect's voices and play it to Rosaline, she would immidiatly tell who RJ is since she knows his voice, but i think Jane already knows who RJ is and is just waiting for the right moment to kill him, i think Lisbon and the crew will come down to 1 suspect an they will go on a chase, Lisbon will obv. tell Jane not to come with them since she knows he will try to kill him, but Jane has another name in his head ( not sure, Partrige if he isnt dead, or someone else ) and when the CBI will chase the fake RJ the real one will not be prepared and Jane will find and kill him easily. 

I miss the old series full of fun and not so intense and dark. But it is getting interesting 1 thing to say to Heller: you better start to connect things together otherwise you will loose a whole lot of fans. :)

CYA, pusto

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