Who is Red John?

Theories of loveagoodstory (6)

Theory #8511 • By loveagoodstory
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6x5... when cho asks the private investigator, who was the client, she says he is visualise, Jane figures, that the man who hired her was RJ... soo if we put those 2 things together, RJ is from visualise, he COULD be Haffner or Styles, but i doubt, i think he is some one else for who we dont know is in visualise :)

just a thought. cant wait for tommorrow, have a nice day.

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Ok now all of you just stop! lets reveal some facts...

RJ is not an organisation. The tyger tyger group is a group of RJ's friends. Robert Kirkland knew of the password because his brother joined the organisation and has probably told Robert about the password. Reede Smith must be on a very high level in the organisation, he must know all the members and thats just the reason he didn't respond to Kirkland's tyger tyger. The only explanation ''Robert'' didn't ask the guy who killed in hospital who is Red John is because that wasn't Robert, it was his twin brother, who works with Red John and the reason why he asked him if he recodnises him is because they know each other but he looked different before, and now he was trying to look like Robert in the hospital, and the answer no is the prove that he has changed that much, that even his friends don't recodnise him. But the organisation doesn't kill people RJ wants to kill they just cover up for RJ that is what makes RJ so hard to find. 

RJ is a single person, fits Rosaline's descriptions, middle age, under 6 ft tall but here is the thing why dont they just record the sound of suspect's voices and play it to Rosaline, she would immidiatly tell who RJ is since she knows his voice, but i think Jane already knows who RJ is and is just waiting for the right moment to kill him, i think Lisbon and the crew will come down to 1 suspect an they will go on a chase, Lisbon will obv. tell Jane not to come with them since she knows he will try to kill him, but Jane has another name in his head ( not sure, Partrige if he isnt dead, or someone else ) and when the CBI will chase the fake RJ the real one will not be prepared and Jane will find and kill him easily. 

I miss the old series full of fun and not so intense and dark. But it is getting interesting 1 thing to say to Heller: you better start to connect things together otherwise you will loose a whole lot of fans. :)

CYA, pusto

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Oh cmon guys Bruno Heller is a mastermind, how can you be fooled by a sentence such as Bertram's: when you catch red john i'll be there or when the psychoteraphist says that mr. ROTH is a good whistler and McAllister is shown after,... You must look at the smaller picture, I can guarantee Bruno has our eyes and minds compleatly messed up with those ''BIG CLUES'' but in the end, like said before, the birds which are shown in many different episodes ( all include RJ ) will be the main clue to RJ, or something like that.. 

So i must say that I think that no one of the seven is RJ, they are all his friends and they know about each other ( the meeting ). I also think that Bret Styles is RJ's father, and Bob Kirkland is RJ's brother. I must also say that Teresa Lisbon might not be murdored ( yet ), because she is the weak part of Jane, he would do anything for her and I think RJ will soon start to use her as a bait to mess with Jane. So I must say that I dont know who RJ is but I will say that we are missing something... Bruno Heller GREAT JOB :) <3

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Hey guys... I have been thinking about who red john is for awhile now and i must say that i cannot tell for sure whi rj is but i came up with a theory and a possibility... First lets remove some suspects

Bret partrige - i think the dead wasnt fake, although he would make a great red john...
Sherif- he is just not the guy, he isnt the right age, height and the fact that he hasnt been shownin many episodes...
Reede smith - despite the fact that his name is an analog of the red is me Jane met him after the conversation about the handshake so that made me think, why would jane even put him on the list.. that makes me think that the list could be fake...
Gale bertram - i think he cant be rj, he acts wird when he says in 6s1e i hear you are getting closer, maby he is connected to him, but he isnt rj.

Now lets get to sirious facts and my theory..

Bob kirkland - i think that he is rj's brother.. i think that he is rj's right hand he asks the guy if he recodnises him simply because bob and the guy have seen before but bob have made a little transformation idk like he let his hair grew or smtning like that, he also thinks that jane doesnt know about stealing he information and i think jane planted the list. Ok lets move on

Brett styles - i think he is rj's father he knows very much about him, but he is on neither side, he just wants a good show either jane cathes red john or not.

So we are down to ray haffner - if the list is right i think he is the only one who could be red john. He is right age and right height.. in my oppinion people who are on the list will start dyingone by one and when cbi will think they finaly have red john even the last suspec on the list will die.. i think jane has another list, that has 1 more name on it and that one is red john, and that name exists just in janes head, he didnt tell it to noone because he knows that they would do something about that person if he told him.

Soo sure there are some questions abiut the happy memory and why would rj even kill his family...

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This seems to be two stories but really it is one. Jane is caught between eternity and won't cross over because he is mad at God.(Red John). Jane and his family were hit by a man named Wayne Rigsby who was drunk driving in his red corvette. Charlotte, Jane's daughter, drew a smiley face in the car window just before impact. Charlotte died on impact but Jane's wife Laurelei survived for awhile. The corvette went off the cliff, smashed and burned. There was a hightower nearby. That is why Jane is constantly pursueing Laurelei; she knows God and Jane wants to seek vengence on the one who supposedly destroyed his family, Red John. Visualize is the kingdom that Jane needs to cross over to. While Jane is in a como Sister Theresa Elizabeth is praying for his lost soul.(That is why she wears the cross) Grace Van Pelt is Laurelei's sister who is trying to get Jane to cross over. Cho is the doctor. When Jane finally comes face to face with Red John (God) aka Brett Stiles he will have to make a decision whether or not to cross over with Laurelei and Charlotte. Look for the red clues in some of the episodes. There is a red corvette on Rigsby's desk and in the same episode a bottle of scotch with a red tip. Mashburn's car was a yellow corvette with red seat belts. Jane tells him it's the wrong color. Heller did a great job. Enjoyed reading the posts.

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