Who is Red John?

Theory #4301 • by MEGALOO


Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


hello ya
I think Brett is red john >>
that is came after i look deeply in every
single freak master of my reading
Brett is too old to be RJ
but ...
if you think a little
he is very  intelligent to any on on his visulize
accept jane >
he wants jane to think that
he is not very intelligent >> to do not enter jane's suspects
from watching the episodes
we know that RJ have followers
I also think that (brett) don't do the dirty  stuffs
like his mistakes >>> so he makes his followers the the job>>>
but his followers don't know that he is red john >>> they just
do what they told >>> because he is like a god for them >
RJ is  an ex farmer >>>
because of the smiley face in a farm witch it's near his visualize
so >>> he have the style to be in the form of a farmer
in S2 he came to the CBI office and he looks like he want beat jane
so while he was talking to the boss ( hitawer) [ the new boss]
- { she is his new CBI inside spy }
they was talking a bout jane to make evry one think jane did something bad
to him <<<>>>> to make him self out of the suspects list >
because he no that jane well >>>
and he know that jane love to win any mind games
>>so he let him self ino jane's games and lose against him to make jane
see him like a foolish person >>
RJ is Brett >>> he do his art >>> and his followers fixes his mistakes
without knowing that's red john mistakes and also . without knowing that's
RJ is Brett Stiles
thanks to all
 best for all
 sorry for my language & my mistakes

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