Who is Red John?

Theories of MEGALOO (5)

For all Fans and Suspects:  Let's use this great site as a place to start a Petition to change The Mentalist to a different night and/or time slot.  Please click on Green button if you agree that The Mentalist is too good of a show to be ruined by the over run of Sunday Sports.  

The Mentalist and Fans deserve better treatment than we have been given.  Week long hype for tonight's new episode that is first delayed an hour and then is replaced with an old rerun.  Shame, shame.  If CBS won't give a new time slot, at least do a special late night showing that can be recorded properly and on time!

Feel free to send your own comments to CBS at this link:  http://www.cbs.com/feedback

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666+ Brett Partridge Theories = no coincidence!

Remember folks, CBS is the same network that brought Bobby Ewing back to life in Dallas via a dream and a shower scene. 

Clicking on Green means it could happen - Brett Partridge could come back as the real Red John - not that you want it to happen (unless of course you do!).

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Theory #8630 • By MEGALOO
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Just to straighten out the facts:  Oscar Cordero was the SAC PD Detective who brought Rigsby the doctored up file on Kirkland's death.  Note he was a plain clothes policeman not the uniformed policeman seen at the PI's home.  However, both do seem suspicious!

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Am a long time reader but first time poster so apologies if
I am repeating info but am trying to add new positive insight to the Brett
Partridge theories.  Have watched The
Mentalist from the beginning and have enjoyed re-watching several of the
episodes to connect the “Red” dots so here goes…

the writers are having a good time sending us messages which pertain to our
list of suspects.  In the conversation
between Wayne Rigsby and Kimball Cho in 6.4 “Red Listed”, they are discussing
reading studies on the Internet.  As Cho facetiously
promotes a ridiculous Internet study, he flippantly argues with Rigsby by
saying “I’m just telling you what the Internet said.”  Rigsby, trying to disagree with the silly
theory, emphatically replies with “Anyone can say anything on the
Internet.  It doesn’t mean it is true.”  That in mind, believe the writers are saying just
because we have read articles on the internet about Brett Partridge, or the
character we know as Partridge, is really dead, doesn’t mean it is true.

Per conversations between Patrick Jane and
Walter Mashburn, in “Redline” first aired 2/4/10, Walter says:  “Patrick, we’ve been this way before, let’s
go back.”  Patrick’s response is “Oh
please be patient.  See, the thing is
Walter, no matter how smart a plan you make, there is always someone smarter
who will see through it.  Makes it very
hard to get away with murder.”  Believe
this conversation can be the writers’ homage and complements to the
viewers.  For those of us who have
thought Brett Partridge was Red John from the beginning, the writers have to
throw us several curve balls to keep us interested and wondering if we were wrong
or were if we were really right that Brett Partridge is Red John.

With that in mind, the number one curve
ball from the writers was “killing off” Brett Partridge from the beginning of
the sixth season. However, as many viewers have speculated, and as the writers
have done in episode “Red Hot” from 11/4/10, not every upfront murder ends in
death.  At the end of the show, Patrick
gets to confront the killer who turned out to be Walter Mashburn’s enemy Yuri Bajoran.  Yuri, who had
supposedly died at the beginning of the episode, had staged his own death from
the beginning of the episode.  Smug Patrick,
who was sure from the beginning Yuri was not dead, says to him at his capture:  “Yuri Bajoran, you’re looking delightfully
not so blown up by a bomb.  Very clever
of you, I must say, no one suspects a dead man, well, almost no one.”  Patrick continues to prove his point of the
staged death when he says there was “a little DNA sprinkled everywhere to prove
you died in that explosion.”  So, with
the writers playing the undead death card before, don’t put it past them to
have done it, again.  Certainly with
Brett Partridge’s forensic/medical background, he would easily know how to
stage his own death with a little blood and DNA. 

Other items to point out
about the possible staged death scene of Brett Partridge:

If you watch this scene posted by
CBS on Youtube several years ago, you will see Brett Partridge wearing a
wireless headset which gives him the tools for making a clear handsfree phone
call while toying with a bloody knife:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNNVF8rJjrw


Forensic agents have to have
medical training including doing autopsies. 
Believe the knife being shown at the end of 6.1 Dessert Rose is a
medical/surgical hook knife which is the kind of knife a forensic agent with
medical training might have in his tool kit. 


In 3.3 The Blood On His Hands Kristina Frye has
been found with an IV puncture wound on her arm.  It would take some degree of medical training
to withdraw and IV of blood.


If it is Brett Partridge then it will be no
surprise to find out that the name Brett Partridge is a pseudonym (his name has
been changed to protect the innocent or the guilty).  Per Wikipedia, “According to Greek legend,
the first partridge appeared when Daedalus threw
his nephew, Perdix, off the sacred hill of Minerva in a fit
of jealous rage. Supposedly mindful of his fall, the bird does
not build its nest in the trees, nor take lofty flights and avoids high places.[1]”  With that tale in mind, could be symbolic for
Brett Partridge being the nephew of Bret Styles and he was thrown out of
Visualize due to his bad behavior but, since he is family, Bret Styles still
keeps up with him and protects him up to a point.  Would also be where Red John could have
learned from the master on how to draw people into his own cult.  Would even be willing to say that Ray Haffner
is Bret’s son, making him Brett’s cousin and has used his influences to protect
him as well as carry out some of his wishes, too.  Haffner does look like he could have posed as
a motorcycle cop to poison Sam Bosco’s secretary Rebecca as she is walking down
the CBI halls in chains.  If you look at
the processional of the motorcycle cop on the right side as they are bringing
her to CBI, he does resemble Haffner. 

Last but not least, as far as Tyger, Tyger goes,
maybe Partridge, aka Red John, has been saying those words to Patrick et al to
get them to look for the connection of corruption in the government that is not
Red John’s cult but instead Read John’s enemy. 
Would throw them off of his scent for a while and take out many of his
enemy’s.  Perhaps the Red John password
is Roll Tide for the Crimson Tide that Kristina Frye said to the waiter while
on her date with Patrick.

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hello ya
I think Brett is red john >>
that is came after i look deeply in every
single freak master of my reading
Brett is too old to be RJ
but ...
if you think a little
he is very  intelligent to any on on his visulize
accept jane >
he wants jane to think that
he is not very intelligent >> to do not enter jane's suspects
from watching the episodes
we know that RJ have followers
I also think that (brett) don't do the dirty  stuffs
like his mistakes >>> so he makes his followers the the job>>>
but his followers don't know that he is red john >>> they just
do what they told >>> because he is like a god for them >
RJ is  an ex farmer >>>
because of the smiley face in a farm witch it's near his visualize
so >>> he have the style to be in the form of a farmer
in S2 he came to the CBI office and he looks like he want beat jane
so while he was talking to the boss ( hitawer) [ the new boss]
- { she is his new CBI inside spy }
they was talking a bout jane to make evry one think jane did something bad
to him <<<>>>> to make him self out of the suspects list >
because he no that jane well >>>
and he know that jane love to win any mind games
>>so he let him self ino jane's games and lose against him to make jane
see him like a foolish person >>
RJ is Brett >>> he do his art >>> and his followers fixes his mistakes
without knowing that's red john mistakes and also . without knowing that's
RJ is Brett Stiles
thanks to all
 best for all
 sorry for my language & my mistakes

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