Who is Red John?

Theory #4016 • by RedPelt


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


Just a comment. In the episode "Throwing fire" I think perhaps that the little girl that Jane and Alex were trying to con could possibly have been one of three people.......

Van-pelt's sister: perhaps she was extreamly ill, and had heard about the family crystal and it's "healing powers"..... and maybe this is the "tragedy" Grace was talking about in the past because shortly after her Sister died of the cancer. But then how can she suppress the chance to eliminate and torture Jane? 

Also, if you notice in the episode the little girl says to Patrick "Cool shirt." and it does sound a hell of a lot like Grace's pitch and tonality of voice.

Kristina Frye: She is another person who could have been the little girl, she could have been the sick child and perhaps she found treatment later on in life to put her cancer into remission, and she never forgot about what Jane did to her.

Rosalind Harker: perhaps she was the little child who wen't blind, and of course assuming she is actually blind (it isn't proven) she would'nt have recognized Jane's face or body image, but the voice should have been a giver! or maybe she couldn't remember to recognize him! 

Also the child was in a wheelchair and taken from a limo to the carnival, perhaps Van-pelt or her sister were from a wealthy dysfuntional family, and perhaps they wanted to get away form it, and i bet you any money one of them or both of them ran into the Visualize cault and had their minds corrupted by Brett Styles! 

Let me know what you think! 

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