Who is Red John?

Theory #3891 • by DaLilSolja


Ellis Mars

Ellis Mars
Suspected in 36 theories


I believe Ellis Mars is Red John. Although there are many reasons to suspect Ellis Mars, a few specific ones stand out at me. First, Lorelei Martins sais she is surprised that Jane didn't become friends with him the second they shook hands. We all know that Patrick used to be a "Psychic" and Ellis Mars too believed himself to be a "Psychic". This is a perfect reason for Lorelei to think they would become friends. Next, Ellis Mars does not have the personality of a killer, but as we know Red John is very intelligent and will know how to put on an act. I personally do not believe that Red John will be a character who is very involved in the show, such as Lisbon, Cho, or Vanpelt. I think he will be someone who plays a high role in one episode of the show and then will return in an early episode of this upcoming season. Although there may not be much evidence supporting this theory, i don't think the creators of the Mentalist want us to know who Red John is until the last season, i don't think it will be to obvious. Many people suspect Brett Partridge, but i do not believe it is him simply because he seems to be too young.Red John has been killing people for up to 15 years, and Brett Partridge does not look to be any older than 28. No matter who Red John is, i can't wait to find out, and i'm looking forward to the next season.

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