Who is Red John?

Theory #3752 • by Elise


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


For a moment let's ignore the interview where Heller said we can trust the list. I have a question about the CD then. Remember how Lorelei asks Jane to take a look at his list before she reads out RJ's list? Now why would someone as clever as Jane and with as. good a memory make a PHYSICAL list of suspects? Kirkland's men broke in and stole his research. Anyone can do the same, specially someone like RJ. Jane didn't want anyone to know his list, so why would he leave it so vulnerable? And why would RJ think that he will? Now add to the fact that nobody sees what's in the packet that RJ meant for him, the CD is shown in a different scene, there's no hard proof that the CD was in the packet, and that Jane and Lorelei did have enough time to make the video. It seems highly off to me. Even if we can trust the list, can we trust the CD?

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