Who is Red John?

Theory #3700 • by Sezaru


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


We all try to figure out who Red John is, but has any of you ever wondered why he does what he does? What is his story? Why all this murders? Why women? Why cutting them?
mean, yes, he is a sick person, we know that, but as Patrick always
says, there is a story behind people`s acts. I`m sure that, at the end
of the show, when Red John will be caught he will tell Jane his side of the story. He
will explain his motives and beliefs. I don`t say that they will be
reasonable or right, because it is impossible to be reasonable when
murdering another person.
However, my point is: the biggest clue of who Red John could be is his
story - childhood, family relationship, his personal life (is he
married, does he have kids?), and, most important, his traumas.
Something bad happened to him and the person responsible is, most certainly, a women. My guess? His mother. Probably, something related to sexual abuse, violence, or murder.
don`t think Red John`s father was there for him in this childhood, so
he didn`t have any paternal presence in his life. The reason why is say
this is because of his behaviour: obviously, he has a strong resentment
for women, and he feel more manly when he tortures them. He doesn`t actually know what being a man means, and this is because he didn`t have in is family an example to follow.
Red John doesn`t like to in insulted, so even that time with Panzer, when RJ knew for sure that Jane manipulated Panzer to insult RJ, so RJ could kill him, he didn`t stay away. He murdered him even if he knew that the whole thing was orchestrated by Jane. This means that he actually doesn`t stand the idea of being insulted and not punishing the person who dared to do that. This show a deep frustration inside, so we should think which of the 7 suspects could hide this type of feeling. Which one of them seems to not feel very comfortable with himself and with the others? I have a guess, I have already said in a recent post (http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/3633) that, for me, Partridge is the guy. Even if I don`t know anything about his past, his behavior make think that he didn`t have a great childhood, he didn`t have his father around, he probably has a cat and very fine tastes. But this is just my theory, you don`t have to agree with it.
But think about it, if
we knew something about the suspects pasts, we could have a better clue
about who RJ could be. This is how Jane closes cases - he attentively
studies people, based on their past, their personal lives, family and
friends. This is the best way to catch RJ, too. Instead of obsessivily
asking who, we should first ask why.

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