I think, RAY/K could be right with the theory but with the addition, that I'm not shure, if HAFFNER is RJ (Could be but it's not safe).
Let's face the facts: The video must have been taken approximately 1 or 2 days after Lorelei got shot (look at the tape on her left arm). When she was killed by RJ, her left arm was fully recovered. Usually this takes one week or more. Do you really think, RJ played the paramedic for Lorelei and simply killed her after she recovered...mmmmmmmmmh?
AND Lisbon is the only person on this planet PJ told, that he wants to make a list and narrow it down.
Furthermore Bruno Heller stated, that the whole video thing could seem like a kind of magic to some people, but in fact, there is nothing supernatural about it.
So consequentially someone gave this information to RJ. I think, it was not Lorelei, cause she tried to kill him but failed. I think, PJ was Lorelei's paramedic after she got shot, he asked her a favour for that and Lorelei agreed. Lorelei of cause didn't tell him RJ's real name, cause she wanted to take her own revenge. It was a sporting chance for PJ. If Lorelei would have been successfull by killing RJ, PJ shurely would be satisfied, too. If she fails (what surely happened), the video was his backup plan.
I bet, that there are at least two disks. One with a RJ Video and the other one is the disk, PJ showed Lisbon. I think RJ's disk contains a video which is also spoken by Lorelei. And I believe, it nearly contains the same tenor, than the one PJ showed Lisbon: "killing a happy memory" (I just stated in a previous post that I'm shure, PJ and RJ know each other for a long time), "a list", that PJ "narrowed down"...etc (btw RJ's video just has to contain MORE than 7 suspects. It' s a prestidigitation) ;-) and he will "start to kill often" (what a big surprise) :-)! And watch PJ when he shows the video to Lisbon. He observes her all the time. Then watch Lisbons face. Sometimes it seems like she would say: "How tf could you know".
The reason, why she gave the information with the list to RJ is jealousy. Remember: "You're a littel in love with him". RJ always lured his followers by fullfilling a desire. Finally remember JJ LaRoches statement in one of the latest episodes: "Ther is a leak inside the CBI".
I would bet any money, that the video was a bait. PJ is smart. He suspects Lisbon as a whistle-blower.
This would make sense. There is no more evidence for this theory, but on the other hand, ther is no evidence against it.
Oh! I almost forgot to say: Bruno Heller stated, that some people will be disapointed, when the truth is gonna be revealed. I believe, that he basically didn't mean RJ's true identity. I bet, he meant all the Jisbon fans.