Who is Red John?

Theory #2404 • by Valleke


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Ok so, I've recently discovered this site & I've been reading A LOT of theories, and some of them do make sense...
But, (& I hope this is not just me) I can't help but feel like I wouldn't be happy with any of these people being RJ...
Some are too obvious (& I'm sure they will have something to do with RJ, just doesn't mean they ARE RJ), some are too lame (Surely RJ won't be someone you barely remember) & well, some are just impossible.

I was thinking that maybe we haven't met RJ yet... I don't really know why I think that, & I could be completely wrong. I might've forgotten about things that prove that we HAVE met him...

Just a feeling I guess!
Would love to read other people's thoughts on this :)

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