Who is Red John?

Theories of Valleke (2)

This entire season is just so damn weird... I do realize Red John is dead & it seems we won't be getting any answers but still, it just feels like something about this season isn't right. Or maybe we're all just so used to having to look for twists everywhere that we can't accept there not being any! Either way I secretly hope they're kind of messing with us & have something EPIC planned!

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Ok so, I've recently discovered this site & I've been reading A LOT of theories, and some of them do make sense...
But, (& I hope this is not just me) I can't help but feel like I wouldn't be happy with any of these people being RJ...
Some are too obvious (& I'm sure they will have something to do with RJ, just doesn't mean they ARE RJ), some are too lame (Surely RJ won't be someone you barely remember) & well, some are just impossible.

I was thinking that maybe we haven't met RJ yet... I don't really know why I think that, & I could be completely wrong. I might've forgotten about things that prove that we HAVE met him...

Just a feeling I guess!
Would love to read other people's thoughts on this :)

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