Who is Red John?

Theory #18586 • by Ex-Fan


Walter Mashburn

Walter Mashburn
Suspected in 325 theories


Just finished watching the Silver Briefcase on the CBS website.

Have to admit it was the best episode of season 7, but the fact I watched it on the CBS website is shows just how far this show has gone downhill for me.

There was a time I couldn't wait for The Mentalist to come on tv, now it's just meh, I'll catch it whenever there's time to kill during the week.

Honestly I don't care what happens now, the sooner the series ends, the better.

So why do I even watch it?  I guess it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, I already know nothing good can happen but I still can't look away.

I see from the comments, some people are still holding out for a coherent RJ wrap up.  That's ok, I really do understand your delusion, denial always comes before the first step to recovery. :-)

On a more merciful note, only a few more episodes left before we can all finally forget about what might have been and reluctantly accept the hidden pocket pigeon meets Lost reality of Heller.

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