Who is Red John?

Theory #17473 • by INFG


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


This is from Wikipedia about Rigsby 

Early life

Not much is known about Rigsby's childhood, aside from the fact that his father was a motorcyclist and was in a motorcycle gang. His father was in and out of jail for numerous crimes, including manslaughter; it is strongly implied Rigsby was the victim of child abuse. Rigsby worked as an arson specialist in San Diego before becoming a CBI agent. Rigsby seems to be good friends with Cho and Jane.


He is frequently trying to imitate Jane in his antics and way of life, such as trying to hypnotize a suspect and failing. He also seems to be more daring than Cho in some ways, such as when he runs in to a burning house to save someone and in the process receives second degree burns on his arm.

O my good !!! now i am more shore than ever that he is red john

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