Who is Red John?

Theory #16758 • by Whome


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


If you are still waiting for the show to recover, or for the RJ story to make a comeback, or insisting that the producers are planning a major surprise, please read the following and answer the question to yourself:

You and your significant other are on vacation in Grand Canyon.  You are enjoying the view from the top of the tallest boulder.  Miles and miles of beatutiful scenery all around.  You are making small talk; nothing major but it is enjoyable.

Then, all of a sudden, you push your partner over the cliff.  She is falling and screaming.  It is a long way down and she is wondering why you'd ever do such a dumb thing. 

You, however, have a better plan.  You rush down the mountain on a hidden pathway, and try to get down before your partner falls on the ground.  You will then save her right before she makes touchdown.  Then, she will surely appreciate you that much more and forever be in awe of your intellect, strength, and humor.

Would you do this move or not?

PS.  The analogy is hopefully clear.

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