Who is Red John?

Theories of Whome (18)

I saw on the news that the show has been renewed.

What can I say?  People hoping for Jisbon will now have to contend with a season ending without a definite answer on the relationship, and endure through a whole season next year to see them get together, break up and then perhaps make up for the show's finale.


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I have previously mentioned a lot of things about the show that were copied or plain stolen verbatim from other shows.  I recently found another one and I was glad that I stopped watching the Mentalist long time ago.

The 3 dots that BA members all have?  That is a copied as well from a show called Continuum.  In that show, they have them between their fingers, visible when you open your hands and stretch your fingers apart.

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I have basically abandoned the show and have not kept up with this site.  Even from the early episodes of this season, it was clear what was happening and how bad the show was going to be but many people were too much in denial to see it; and kept the wild tehories going.  So it is kind of satisfying that more and more people have fallen asleep out of boredom while watching the show, and that they are now finally seeing it for what it has become this season: mediocre acting, silly plots, too many characters, disconnected even within a single episode, with boring execution. 

In an effort to keep the con up until the season's end, they had to resort back to the out-of-the-blue suspense tricks, tucked into the last two minutes of the episodes.  Do you really think there is a logical explanation behind this?  Have you not learned your lesson already?  If so, answer a few basic questions:

1. All CBI members are being killed off one by one, over a long period of time.  No one has picked up on this.  Not the local cops and not the FBI.  Really?

2) In any other cop show even slightly based on reality, this will have FBI squarely focused on solving this with all of its resources available.  Here, they are like, "oh, yeah?  well, we got a tip that some illegal workers are sneaking in from Mexico.  Let's go".  Really?

3) In any other show, the remaining targets would be given protective custody and around-the-clock guards, be moved to hidden location until the case is resolved, etc.  Furthermore, they would be removed from the case.  Here, nope: the two targets are actually given the responsibility to solve the case by the FBI.  Why?  Well, because they got another gas station robbery that resulted in murder.

4) Wait, wasn't this show called the Mentalist?  Ooh, bummer, what to do?  Yes, let's have PJ solve the secret of each character's most hidden desires and have him give them their favorite toy from when they were a child.  What?  We used to show how PJ would know these things?  Well, come on.  They have barely spoken to each other.  Can't we just slowly focus the camera away and play elevator music instead?  Yes?  Great, thanks!

What will happen in tonight's episode?  Do you really think there was any thought put into this?  Do you really think RJ will make a comeback?  If so, dream on.  Better yet, wake up already.  The simple reason is the writers/producers realized that they have essentially doubled the number of characters, in two separate locations.  They got themselves into this mess, and now that they realize it, like some of us did a long time ago, they are trimming the cast down. Nothing more.

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So, now they are getting to push Jisbon story line?  It is safe to say that the show is done and done.

First, the writing is not that good anymore.  The most important episode, Red John, was wasted with banal chitchat and pointless chase scenes. 

Second, scene development is so slow as to be glacial at times.  If you watch the scene where the church lady attacks PJ, you will get bored.  "Stop, I am with the police."  "No, you are not."  "Yes I am."  "Well, you don't look like it."  "Well, but it is true."  And on and on.  You really get bored with the repetition.  The actors seem bored repeating those lines.

Third, there are way too many characters on the show now.  Not to mention locales.  How are they going to keep them relevant with the glacial pace of scene development?  I fear they will have to resort to introducing characters by subtext on screen: Risgsby enters the scene, we will read in small letters, "Wayne Rigsby, former CBI agent and old friend of Patric Jane.  Now, runs own agency."

Finally, now that all that is left is murder of the week type episodes, those are no longer developed enough to the point of being semi-interesting.  They are going to be so bad as to be inconsistent and illogical within the span of 40 minutes (vs. 5 seasons with RJ) and resolved haphazardly.  (As was seen with the bogus fertilizer clue from the last episode.)

Either we as the audience have given the show way more leeway than it ever deserved, or they are intentionally making it worse with each show.

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You know the running theme about "similarities" (or plagiarism) from other shows including Profiler and Dexter?

Get ready for another "similarity" from another show: Remember PJ's surprise for RJ involving a pigeon?  What if I told you it was copied from another show?  Would you believe it?  Honestly!

Well, it is from another show, a movie called I Give It a Year.  In it, Simon Baker pulls the same pigeon trick!  The result is only slightly different: he does it to a woman, and the pigeon dies instead of a nemesis.  Check it out if you want a laugh.

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So, pretty much everybody agrees that RJ revveal episode was a failure.  To me, this whole season was after the first few episodes.)  But you know what, in certain aspects, it was a great comedy, perhaps intended:

RJ cuts off
PJ to boast if his accomplishments and the grandeur.  He built a large
secret society, full of members from all different walks of life, cops
included, all ready to die for him at a moment's notice. 

And then, who is his backup?  An old church lady with a potato peeler!

Now you can now enjoy the show better...

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If you are still waiting for the show to recover, or for the RJ story to make a comeback, or insisting that the producers are planning a major surprise, please read the following and answer the question to yourself:

You and your significant other are on vacation in Grand Canyon.  You are enjoying the view from the top of the tallest boulder.  Miles and miles of beatutiful scenery all around.  You are making small talk; nothing major but it is enjoyable.

Then, all of a sudden, you push your partner over the cliff.  She is falling and screaming.  It is a long way down and she is wondering why you'd ever do such a dumb thing. 

You, however, have a better plan.  You rush down the mountain on a hidden pathway, and try to get down before your partner falls on the ground.  You will then save her right before she makes touchdown.  Then, she will surely appreciate you that much more and forever be in awe of your intellect, strength, and humor.

Would you do this move or not?

PS.  The analogy is hopefully clear.

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