First, we all knew it wasnt Bertram.
Sherrif was my second guess, the best characther for the job, a friendly hunter. He wasnt my first because EVERYONE GOT SURPRISED WITH HIM IN THE LIST. NO ONE HAD REASON TO SUSPECT HIM BEFORE THIS SEASON. Was this a puzzle? No, because we couldnt find out, just guess. He should learn with "inception". The movie its self was An inception. This wasnt a puzzle.
I expected the Rj showing him self at the last moment, when we find out it's not the other. The only thing is i hoped to be Stiles the fake RJ and Haffner the real RJ revealing him self.
I think it's because he called Lisbon and told so. At least he Thinks it's over. But, if noone knows who Rj is, what about cordero? . I hope RJ is alive, but probably will appear someone else connected to him.
This blog was for nothing, almost useless,, the RJ wasnt chose before. They just decided the less likely one to be the RJ.